
a certain scientific...

Just for the eternal memory: Jesus was an arrab.

I am white and don’t go anywhere. Maybe into the cinema where that movie plays. Throwing all white people together is the oposite of smart.

Good that i am not white twitter.

F you tard, you are not the one i called sir. Idiots like you are the danger. With top idiot in command.

Least Cool?

Sir. with your enormous army, carrier fleet and this president, you are the most dangerous country in the world right now.

I can imagine: The Season 1 allowed Eleven and the misterious Monster to be one and the same. A shocking surprise.

160 km/h? Thats sad, i was over that speed with much lesser cars.

Reminds me when i talked to a lady colleague about high heels. I told her that i (m) find highheels silly and women don’t need to wear them for me. More i prefer them not to. She looked me in the eyes and said: She wants to wear them on special occasions to feel beautiful. I must admit that i noticed one day she was

Not fair? Pfffff.

What? ESCAFLOWNE (snore) but not Gundam? Aldnoah Zero? Hello? Those machines are Mechas. You did not really consider EVA a Mecha show?

Allways consider that this mighty NPC now destroys expensive ingame goods.

Not you? I see the horror on the Horizon. Trump 2020.

WOA, hey USA the banana republic. Fucking Gunlaws FUCK!

With shinji ikari being the main char, NGE is hardly likeable. I remember the hate he got and gets. I remember him being a whiny emotional prick when he was needed the most. The creator had heavy depressions and laid all onto Shinji.

Instabuy! Shut up and take my money!


Yes she looks very international to me...

I did switch back up to instant coffee. Filtered ground coffee: To much or not enough. Leaves lots of wet grounded coffee. Capsule coffee? YIKES so much trash for a cup of coffee? NOOOO! (I work in sustainability financial reporting)