
Grave of the Fireflies.

I use my name, kinda, it pretty obvious why people don't post there name and address on the internet though... Who in gods name would think that's a good idea?

Amen to that brother.

all over a game.. people need to get a life.

Yet you dont hear Battlefield fans doing much of this.
Im sure there are some. But we dont hear it as bad as these shining examples.

He spins so fast he can maintain a forward focus?

Because tech demos are always ahead of their time. This would bring any GTX600 series card to it's knees in a gameplay scenario.

Interest lost.

It's tagged as humor, tv, television and dicks (and only humor if you go from the front page). There was no surprise in the content of this post from the front page, so why did you click on it? So you could be unnecessarily sassy about a point that's been made time and again.

Good thing they've got so much paper around there!

This is how excited I look!

Mr. Craig was announced as the lead role in the 2016 feature film.

That would have been amaaaazing!


Just an average drive to work for Micheal Bay.

Gamers: Being more self entitled than ever before.

This one probably cracked me up the most. Changing the girl on the poster to a twi'lek was a nice touch.

aw, mine didn't make it