
100% with you. I've even talked to Ray Wert about it - they use facts in their articles, but the selection thereof is unnecessarily canted towards criticism.

Sweet Lada Niva!

I don't often hear these gripes, most of what I hear people saying about autos is that they're just not fun to drive, which isn't a stereotype because it's an opinion. Most people would acknowledge that the numbers show a pretty small difference in both speed and fuel economy.

I almost bought a very very cool Corona that had cool wheels on it, a mismatched fender, and a 3-speed manual on the column (if I recall correctly). They're great-looking cars when done up. It disappeared before I could get an email through to the seller.

Shiiiii . . .

Sign me up! Sign me up!

The dumbest part of me wants to own one.

I can vouch that they're comfortable and well-trimmed, but haven't been in a moving Karma quite yet. I have to wait until the dealer has a few extra cars to play with. Last time I went, all the cars were sold, their owners just hadn't picked them up.

Great endorsement.

I'm in the ME program. Thanks!

I'm studying to be an Engineer . . hahaha

Awesome! I've always wanted one.

Hello, sir. What is this and how do I purchase it?


What a bunch of unoriginal, unethical, ignorant assholes. This is one of the things in business that bothers me the most: copycat products. I'm not talking about a product inspired by another product (oh, we should have a big pickup in our portfolio), I'm talking about literally copying the design.


I have wanted a notchback for so long . . . and you're in California! Congrats.