Holy Hyaena

(Feck, can't edit): I totally get ragging on the name though and disliking them on the premise that they're being sold by a bitch. But it really does look like a bougie item from one of the Jez advertisements.

Hey, this looks like one of those hideous wares they would try to hock in one of those Jez advertisement posts. Probably priced similarly too!

Seriously, right. We are saying the same sentence with the same intonation, yet still coming to very different conclusions...

"It's an ANIMAL with a TATTOO!"

This argument would be somewhat compelling if it were not for the fact that everyone knows (or they MUST know, right?) that their responses to the ridiculous quiz questions have actually nothing to do with the result (e.g. I selected Beyonce's Drunk in Love as my jam and found out that I am President Lincoln!).

Michael Pitt..... Mmmmm.

omg Eva Green, time to watch The Dreamers again

Yeah, those are not awesome tattoos.


Or instead of talking you could actually shut up for a second and come up with an actionable plan instead.

You want the way rape cases are prosecuted to change because it's not fair? Great. Suggest a solution for how the current evidence/burden of proof requirements are inadequate.

I'll go out an a limb and assume

The reality IS that rape is a consequence of being incapacitated. It's not the only one, but it definitely is one. Period.

There is a HUGE difference between giving people advice on how to protect themselves - which is what the kook who wrote the book is trying to do - and addressing the justice system issues around

"It's more important to stand up for your right to tell rape victims who were drunk that they're stupid than to prosecute people who choose to rape unconscious women."

This is total bullshit and that's not what I said at all. I have no patience with people who engage in this kind of dishonest debate. If I wanted to

They don't get less jail time but your insurance certainly dings you for being a moron.

And I think that comparing this to the alleged freedom that men have is ridiculous. When it comes to sex, the genders aren't equal. Women are the ones who get pregnant and therefore have an interest in ensuring birth control

Rape is not something that you caused by drinking. But it IS something that you facilitated and made easier by being incapacitated. And it IS something that - if absent - likely could have prevented you getting raped in the first place.

If people don't lock their car and leave the key in the ignition and then their

The whole problem with this line of argument is that equally irrational people take offence at the suggestion that perhaps being passed out because you drank too much of your own free will is not an effing good idea, period no matter what may or may not happen to you.

If you're a grown-up who can legally drink, you

Which episode? Don't make me watch through all 7 seasons again!! (Ok, I will if I *have* to)

I see what you're doing here. However, could we not compare Alec's shitty justification of 'I might be a homophobe, or not' with Allen's denial of molesting a child in his home? Alec may be a thoughtless impulsive not-creative insult thrower, which certainly smells like disdain for gay men, this in NO WAY compares to

Her narrative is her narrative. It doesn't have to be most people's narrative.

This is not slut shaming. It's idiot shaming. I'm just saying that if you deliberately want to lower your IQ using hypnotherapy, you probably don't need it because that is pretty stupid in itself.

Retrofitted acting replicant Jesse Eisenberg will parlay his lucrative acting career and occasional "Shouts & Murmurs" scribbles into a less lucrative career as a short story writer, which he will then parlay into an even less lucrative career as a traveling fabulist in the German countryside