
You may not care for musk’s personality. But he has done more to

Where does the money come from though? If the business is making zero bucks/French bucks/francs/Euros? then where does the money come from to pay people full salary for two years?

Meh, potatoes tomatoes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I think some people are trying not to cause a panic while others are actively trying to cause a panic. 

If this is something you’ve just learned over the past 4 years, you are decades (at least) late to the game. The right-wing ignored it during the Bush years, the left-wing ignored it during the Obama years and on and on.

haha Orange Man Bad

You mean Trump who committed no crimes.

So if it’s not illegal why does the government need to make a record of it? The implication is that they may use this in the future as evidence against you. Should the government keep a record of every email you send or receive? Every phone call?

Good! I don’t care how awful he is, as soon as we give the government the power to police free speech, we’re in trouble. What happens when the government decides YOUR opinion is classified as hate speech?

It’s doing well right now.  Unemployment is low.

It’s very USPS looking. Also who the hell cares other than people who want to whine about Trump? Jeez this is some petty shit. 

So basically, you and a large group of like-minded people ranted on about something untrue because of your blind bias of the man in office?  Very mature.

Oh, well in that case, the gold stripe looks delightful. Why didn’t that idiot Trump add a gold stripe to his design?  Selfish bastard. 

“Consistency defines the brand, and America needs its brand equity back.”

If Obama had designed it, it would be declared a masterpiece and shipped immediately to the Smithsonian.

So make a statement, not make a statement, as long as we get to hate on someone for whatever dumbass fabricated reason we can hate on someone as long as I get to hate on someone. God, I just know I’m angry and don’t know why.  Welp, blame it on Trump and his stupid airplane.  Red white and blue are such stupid colors

You make that sound like a bad thing. 

So you’re arguing the “german shepards are bad because Hitler chose to have a german shepard” argument... ...you really do have nothing worthwile to complain about.

Yeah I was in rapid-reply mode. That one got past me before I noticed it.

The question is... if a popular democrat party president were suggesting this very same livery, would ANYONE be complaining about it?