
hard to muster even a tiny violin’s worth of sympathy for a guy who had 1.4 mil to burn on a video game character, for sure.

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

Given that the guy liked Atomic Blonde it sounds like you’re just labeling anybody who disagrees with you as an “incel”.

have you?

the only thing people have to legitimately to poke fun at is when toby danced. that’s it.

If the Laser-armed Stryker isn’t nicknamed ‘The Shark’ I’m going to kidnap the project manager and demand ONE MILLION DOLLARS for ransom.

That shit is mad annoying. 

This is fact. And also the damn callouts your character yells at the top of their lungs. Not only can the other team hear you, but they yell if the enemies pinky toe is on your screen somewhere. “CONTACT!” I look everywhere on my screen frantically, then just end up dying. It’s such a terrible feature.

waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?

Yep, because Europeans have never ever done anything bad to people of color ever

I’m bummed because I’m playing Fl4k and hadn’t unlocked that yet - on the brightside I guess I won’t notice the nerf lol.

I just made essentially the same comment. We’re apparently the only ones who see it that way.

She deserved it. She went out of her way to place her hand on his mid area to get his attention. He did not walk into her. She clearly was trying to get his attention with touch. Big no no. You aren’t special.

Honestly, I would not be surprised if Tfue sees/hears this word all the time, be it in music, youtube videos, social media post, or even among friends. In the context of all that, it isn’t a “bad” word, and it gets said a lot. It’s easy to see how it becomes part of someones lexicon, despite him being the “wrong”

How fucking hard is it for people to simply change the channel?

You’re a grown ass adult too. Grow the fuck up. Its retardedly autistic to continue to punish yourself by repeatedly putting yourself in situations where you’re going to be offended.

Why are you still watching DrDisrespect, or Tyler1, or TicklemePink or any

She said something thoughtless and stupid, but does that make her a racist? 

It also makes it hard to discuss the points Piker was trying to make, though he did, by his own admission, make them sloppily. What he tried to do was hold a powerful figure accountable by dispelling his justifications for undeniably abhorrent acts perpetrated by the United States.

You guys are pathetic scumbags.  He’s still a war veteran that did two tours.  More than you sack of shits will ever do in your lifetime for this country.

As if to imply that there's a shortage of similar if not worse rhetoric on the other side. 

Nathan spending 90% of the article justifying the logic of this POS :)  Still, I hope this toxic individual is banned permanently.

This is the same jackass who a few months ago basically said he didn’t care if he was right as long as people listened to him. He may make a few valid points, but he’s still trash.