
Agreed. Put the editorial think piece in the editorial. Put the review in the review.

So like... how many maps are there? How many game types are available in multiplayer? How’s the matchmaking UI? How many guns? Are the guns locked behind personal level and/or challenges of some sort? What is the tick rate of the servers? Do you have the option of choosing a server? How many classes are there? What

BALK. Runner advances.

I love diablo but I don’t want to play it on my phone. Like, at all...

Because they re-used 90% of D3's assets and can sell a bunch of expensive mobile micro-transactions for this.

It’s weird that they saw what happened to EA with Command & Conquer going to phones, and thought “let’s emulate that feeling of complete betrayal from our fanbase”.

Oh boy! A mobile midquel of a classic game with simplified and imprecise touch-screen controls, in a genre known for needing precision and careful actions!

The complete silence from the crowd after the video says everything about what a misstep this is considered by the fanbase. Easily the worst received announcement of the keynote, and the one they had hyped up the most.

If my mother was harrassing people in a mall and than got physical with the police when they tried to arrest her she’d deserve those two punches to the side.

Let me make it simple for you: Don’t listen to authority, authority is going to beat your ass up.

She was just playing the Ghetto Lottery™

Caught out again! I was being kind as she obviously isn’t a lady for other reasons, besides, chronologically.  

I guess you missed “The Root” stories about cops tasing kids. No, if the child does not cooperate, there is no scenario for which authors or readers of “The Root,” would condone or approve of a method of apprehension. Authors and readers here would just point out instances that POC did nothing and got shot to death

The mom should've handled it herself, the cop was out of line, punching a restrained kid, there's no discipline anymore, yet people are shocked when kids act like idiots, they don't know any better, when a cop approches you, people should know by now that it's gonna end bad if you don't just shut up & put your hands

A suspect isn’t subdued until they are handcuffed and verified to be unarmed.

Notjing you said matters at all . The fact is when a cop tells you something you fucking do it . 

She is resisting arrest. She’s refusing to be handcuffed. So she got two punches to the side. It’s not like he went “Rodney King” on her and was literally beating her.

She did resist arrest, hence she got a beatdown.  Looks like she has plenty of padding anyway.

The teens were trespassed from the mall and beat up a five year old. Most of us, after being thrown out of a shopping mall and told we would be subject to arrest if we return, would stay away for a while. There was no alternative to the arrest after the tot was beaten up.   That the young lady continued to fight,