
My dude has progressed from “my day was crappy” and sulking off to “my day was crappy because here is one sentence saying what happened” and sulking off. Baby steps?

That was where she lost me. Like, the guy was being nice! If you feel compelled to mock someone for doing a nice thing, then it’s not really a mystery why people don’t like being around you.

As a man who was raised predominantly by women, and was taught to open doors/help with the chores/be polite and kind/cook/clean/etc., you’d be surprised how incredibly common it is for people (men and women) to mock you for helping them.

I was thinking that too. Mocking the guy who was helping with the groceries was just rude.

What you would call ‘challenging’ in a woman, you’d surely call at least borderline ‘abusive’ in a man. My rule; people who are ‘challenging’ should accept an equally challenging partner. This is not what I’ve read out of this. She’s been looking for a human Piñata who will simply absorb anything she levels at him.

I suppose we should just ignore the African elephants being poached as well, since it’s mostly non-white people poaching them. There's a difference between racial sensitivity and racial hyper-sensitivity.

I’m not seeing where the author made any overt or veiled statements that could be construed as “look at what the brown people are doing”.

I don’t get the issue here. Are we supposed to ignore the mass consumption of an endangered species because they happen to consume it in a certain part of the world?

I am very concerned about the wage gap which clearly exists between me and Jennifer Lawrence.

No one backed off Bynes until she was actually hospitalized and diagnosed. Nothing I’ve seen from Banks seems to show that she’s mentally ill, just that she hates everyone but herself and thinks she will be given a pass (and is!).

212 is such a good song, you horrible, awful, racist, garbage fire.

Because every white southerner with a gun is a racist?

Seriously? You need to take a break from Jez for a wee bit here, kid. You’ve been on it for way too long and it is affecting your head.

"By the way, Jerry, I don’t want you to freak out, but the pilot is going to be in the audience."

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episodes with Jerry’s overbearing publicist.

Evil is as evil does. Sorry, I know a lady who has 300 cats. It matters very little what delusional bullshit she tells herself, not to the poor animals, and not particularly much to me.

see:alternate history

First of all, where do you live? Montana? The driver left enough space that’s considered the norm on highway doing 70mph, at least in this part of the country. Also, what do you find intimidating? The fact that the driver is black?

...And, maybe his brakes are excellent.