
This is ridiculous. Of course they are going to look into your recollection of things. That’s what cross examination is. Who was giving them legal counsel? Furthermore, how can you expect a court to convict someone of a crime and punish him accordingly, based on your testimony if your testimony is not clear,

You are accusing someone of a serious crime. Of course your memory is on trial. Of course what happens after matters. How do you not realize this? The crown fucked up so bad in this case.

I hope this works. If the NFL can reduce kickoff returns by 5-10% then football will be a safe sport.

I have two major takeaways from this:

I was completely, inarguably awful in the early ‘90s. It is my hope that I have become a little less awful in the intervening years, but there’s lots of room for improvement. Of course, I’m not insulting total strangers over the Internet nowadays, so I have that going for me.

Took her to a Sizzler restaurant for dinner. They had a special if you buy steak and shrimp, you get free refills on shrimp, she ordered that and so I did too. I had never eaten shrimp before, but I tried them and they were great. Loved the flavor, but they were pretty crunchy. In fact after eating my first serving of

Haha, I was thinking the same (cynical) thing!

Well, at least now there’s a solution to the whole “CEOs are grossly overpaid” situation: more women in executive roles!

First, they would have to actually prove that their game is not the worst game produced in 2014, which is both subjective, and probably impossible with how bad that game was. Plus, people have been giving out Best/Worst awards for decades. For Digital Homicide to prove that Jim can’t claim their game is “The Worst

Where I come from, words like “best” and “worst” are pretty well-understood to be opinions, not facts...

The title of his video alone is a pretty weak argument that what he’s presenting isn’t a form of review or criticism. I’m not a huge Jim fan, but I’d encourage you to watch one or two of his videos, it is blatantly clear that he’s a critic/reviewer, and not a journalist.

I read 1000X as much as I write. How can i learn if every time I ask a simple question it’s either ignored or treated like the ramblings of a vicious moron? I find it disheartening that a group of people so vocal about progressive issues and equality are so quick to shoehorn and label others based on nothing more than

I think the main point I was striving for was, “where is the line drawn”? I get it, really I do. I’m just wondering how specific we need to get? I wasn’t trying to troll or be a jerk I swear. I’m actively trying to figure it out in my own head and asking for help. If a Japanese actor played a Chinese historical

Would a troll concede points in the discussion and try to find a middle ground? I don’t know why you feel the need to stalk me on here, bob! I hope it brings you some form of satisfaction.

See my response to BeyoncePadThai. You’re right. However, saying how I feel about a subject doesn’t mean I’m dictating how others should feel about it. I’m not trying to tell Black people how to feel. I said how I felt. There’s a difference. That said,it’s 5pm and time to go. I’m going to listen to some Nina Simone on

Nor would I try. Nina Simone wasn’t “traditionally” beautiful. In her time, she could never have achieved the kind of cross-over appeal that someone like Diana Ross, (a more “white” looking beauty), took for granted. Her voice wasn’t traditionally beautiful either. She never fit into a radio/tv friendly niche like

Contrary to popular thought, not everyone with a dissenting opinion is a troll.

OK. I concede your point, but still ask, how closely must she resemble Nina to be deemed adequate? And again I ask, in a world with millions of examples of more blatant and dangerous racism, why is this the one that gets so many people riled up? I feel as if there’s a race on to see who can prove they’re the most

I did, and stand behind my comment. If Zoe Zaldana isn’t “black” enough, who is? How wide must the nose be? How dark must the skin be? Just trying to find out exactly where the line is drawn. Perhaps since you’re so enlightened and good at reading you can tell me?

If casting a “white-featured” black actress to portray a black woman is racist, exactly how, “black-featured” does the correct choice need to be? How many millimeters wide must her nose be? How dark must her skin be?How closely must the actor resemble the represented figure to be socially just?