
I think this is where it bears mentioning that it is illegal to pay employees differently who are in the same position with the same qualifications and seniority.

TIL that a black child’s asthma is the direct result of racism.

This type of thing is very common. You can buy lures that resemble rats, ducklings, frogs....anything that lives in/around water.

I believe you - just don’t have as much experience with schools outside of the SEC.

It has been my experience on several occasions that LSU fans are the worst in the SEC.

“The show has had consistently low ratings throughout its run, but kept getting renewed against expectations.”

Same! I was in Seattle early last year and stopped by a dispensary to pick up a pack of brownies and several gummie candies. I ate one of the candies first and waited 45 minutes and felt nothing so I just ate the other candy and both brownies. Did nothing for me...

Well it is pretty shitty that they penalized her after-the-fact, but it is entirely ridiculous to charge her two more strokes for signing an “incorrect” card before there was a penalty called on the actual infraction. WTF.

Anyone with a cursory understanding of statistics knows that the wage gap is a myth. What a terrible article.

Would I have been within my rights to Spartan kick him out of my doorway so that I could close and lock it?

This was a Monday night, non-conference game against a nobody opponent. We were up by 20 for most of the game.

This was a Monday night game against a nobody opponent and we were up by 20 for most of the game. Enough said.

That’s an internet myth.

It’s time to take a play out of this weeks new South Park: “Will everyone please stand.....sit or kneel for the National Anthem.”

You can’t be serious. FBI Director James Comey has already outlined her various offenses. The problem is that he basically just shrugged and didn’t recommend any charges.

When I look at this guy I can only see Pauly Shore.

“Yes I went there knowing I was going to have agreed upon sex, but I didn’t get cash so I was raped.”

So I’m the guy that always votes himself, if available. I have still never voted for someone on the other team.

SpaceX’s rockets are useful. Blue Origins rockets are not.