
This was a Monday night game against a nobody opponent and we were up by 20 for most of the game. Enough said.

That’s an internet myth.

It’s time to take a play out of this weeks new South Park: “Will everyone please stand.....sit or kneel for the National Anthem.”

When I look at this guy I can only see Pauly Shore.

“Yes I went there knowing I was going to have agreed upon sex, but I didn’t get cash so I was raped.”

So I’m the guy that always votes himself, if available. I have still never voted for someone on the other team.

Interesting, just yesterday I had the random thought that Azealia Banks hadn’t grabbed any attention in a while. Guess we’re back to 0 days since last episode. She is impressively stupid and hateful.

As long as we’re painting with a broad brush - maybe those minorities should take their shivs and illegal hand guns and deal with the problem.

Where is Bronn now in all of this?

I’m trying to get all of this stuff about Saldana and Simone, but I have admittedly not read much yet. For me it comes off as the black community telling a black girl that she isn’t black enough and isn’t ugly enough. I’m all for historical accuracy, but sheesh.

Reminds me of a joke: How do you eat a baby?

He used to have 525,600 fucks to give, but he ran out.

I remember when I first heard her speak in a non-singing voice at an awards show and she was all “oh fank you, fank you”..... I didn’t even realize she was English until that.

This is what I came here to write. I’ll also add that it is my opinion that a privately owned business should be able to sell or not sell to anyone of their choosing. Whether it is a reasonable business decision to exclude potential revenue is a different matter. Let the market sort that out.

When I encounter people with names I dont know how to say, I just go with something and stick to it even after they correct me. For funsies.

Yes, thank you. what an idiot. Very narrow, hateful thing to say - and in an article about equality, no less!

Ugh this actually bothers me far too much.

If I were the dad of the girl who was burned.....heads would fucking roll.