
Sure, race likely played a role. I just think that violently resisting arrest played a bigger role.

And perhaps she will acquitted, but the ultimate point is that they were going at it(in some fashion) in front of an office building. Someone reported it. An officer must then investigate and has every right to ID her. Sex, or the lack thereof, is not the issue here.

The fact that the complaining is/was warranted is evidenced by Bungie having already applied a patch to the loot system and engram decryption(with more changes to come, I think).

The last one reminds me of something my boss did once when I was waiting tables in college. I worked at a local upscale Chinese restaurant and my boss was a 60ish year old Taiwanese immigrant who spoke broken English. One day we had a family come in and the father was carrying one of the children who appeared to be

That is kind of the problem though isn't it? Cant do the raid if I don't have the gear. Getting enough marks and rep takes a very long time and with RNG even on mission and multiplayer rewards it is easy to become discouraged. It IS reasonable to expect to be rewarded for effort. The cave offered the greatest and

Doesn't this also assume that people have the time to get all the marks and rep? You cant just play for an hour or two and finish all of the days bounties, etc. So now I'm in the position of not being able to enjoy the newer content/events. There is certainly an arguable disconnect there.

But you still have to essentially grind for the marks to buy the legendary stuff once you've made it to a high enough rep level. I have managed to buy one legendary through a vendor and am now quite a ways away from another one(rep level and marks). So once I finally get the rep level up, ill be able to buy one, maybe

This! I just want to be able to experience the new events/content (raids, strikes, Queens Wrath missions, etc), but there is currently a major barrier. It isn't that I want everything handed to me, it is simply that without the gear I cant handle the cooler content and without hours a day playing I cant get the gear.

I get tired of completing a strike or mission and not receiving an item at all. It also really blows to be among the top players in a multiplayer game and receive nothing, while the clown that barely got a kill gets a legendary engram. There should be some instances where you are guaranteed a drop (of some kind).

I actually feel for him on this. I have played lots of Crucible and I estimate that more than 50%the time I get nothing and the other players get a blue or better. In the last round I played last night I was the only person on the team that didn't get a reward. EVERYONE else got a blue engram, despite me being second

Seems so simple.... make the colors actually be the colors. GENIUS! Seriously, how could this not have already been the system.

I am a level 22 and have yet to find a purple anything. I am now considering something I saw in the forums earlier: start a crucible match and do the ole tape-thumbstick-to-not-get-kicked technique and let it run while I'm at work. Get lots of loot rewards as well as crucible marks etc...

I am a level 21 Warlock and still have less than half of the available upgrades/abilities. Don't get caught up in the "level cap." It doesn't mean much.

PS4 owner here. I owned an XBOX 360, but decided to go for the PS4 over XBONE after all of Microsoft's shenanigans leading up to launch. The differing launch price points also played in to the decision, of course.

This feature will shine particularly with co-op gaming. A couple good examples would be: 1. Towerfall on PS4 - Has no online functionality, but will now be able to play vs/co-op with a friend without being local. 2. The upcoming Diablo 3 UUE - local co-op without your buddy having the game.

Good game, Belgium.

Bite me once, shame on you. Bite me thrice....

Sony will have to change this, of course. It will certainly fail at those prices.

How about options for your home background? Maybe options for online status (ex: away, busy, offline...)?

I would like to see a company do the opposite of what we have been seeing left and right. Instead of setting an optimistic release date and disappointing fans with a delay, set an extremely safe/comfortable release date and then release the game earlier. Consider it a social experiment.