
I wonder if that's what she's gone through. From what I hear, she's been running from her emotions non-stop with binge drinking, binge sex, and binge partying.

Oh, it's not cliched at all. In fact, it's all the exact right things to do.

Hey thanks :) That actually mirrors a lot of what I've learned about bipoloar and some of what I've experienced. Isn't lamictal a godsend? I just can't imagine how much more awful my life would have been if I hadn't found that way to help regulate my brainz.

BINGO. An awesome friend is you :)

I just did a little research, and I think I have a little bit of insight!

Yeah, it was a piece. I got all ragey when I saw comments were disabled, then I went back to the top and saw "Promoted Post by ABC Television" and went

Wowwww! And I mean WOWWW :D

Oh, I have never heard a good story about a man in DC, ever. It's like there's a douchebag field surrounding the entire district. It taints every taint it touches.

I can't wait to show you my tongue-fu!

So, there are a couple of things going on here.

How are those things done these days? Family members had it done in the past, but I imagine the procedure has advanced somewhat these days.

Cher did an AMA and I missed it????? Dammit!

Oh yeah! I saw that shit and it made me see fucking red.

Anything less than boiling hot righteous anger at that bullshit is unacceptable.

Good decision making is good!

Thank you, Lord, for the 2nd Amendment. Now get the fuck over here and protect my freedom!

I look forward to what my doctor has to say.

Thank you, that was actually really kind.

Kick 'em while they're hot!

Those words are undeniably true. I just really hate being wounded and vulnerable and shitty every night.