
Do you like it when your tits swing free all over the place and smack into your chest?

Oh, wow. Shall we go down the list of Fuck You, Tracie?

Preparing to send Divine Wind pilots in 3 ... 2 ...

I don't care what the haters say, I just love Zooey to pieces. I think she is neato frito!

Sorry. Racism.

As a person who recently lost a relationship because the other fucking party couldn't fucking handle fucking monogamy, I would just like to say:

I Know Who Killed My Movie Career


Attention not insanely gorgeous genetically blessed dudes: please crawl in a hole and die. No one wants to see you ever. You are worthless.

But I like it ...

Dude. Gay guys grab my ass ALL. THE. TIME.

I do like her tattoos.

Politicians keeping their promises is like Anthony Weiner keeping his promises.

Oh bullshit.

"our enemies"

Sext Addicts Anonymous.

(Unrelated question about addiction treatment groups that end in "Anonymous": if "Anonymous" is in the title, why do you introduce yourself to the group with your name?)

Dear 1912,

Let's put a bomb in her car.

Well I don't really know you enough to talk about a date.

When she gets older she will appreciate TNG more.