
Certainly, you are entitled to value whatever you choose to. Personally, I value having enough money, that 15 bucks becomes a trivially small amount. I also value having enough time to enjoy my hobbies, and thereby enjoy by trivially short life

Are you saying you cant afford to pay 15 bucks a month? Man, I spend that everyday. To be honest, I haven't been playing ESO that much, since I decided to tough Dark Souls II out, but still... I am not mad that I spent 15 bucks on ESO. It is always there to play, if I want to... Your post just sounds odd. I am a

Okay, I would like to throw in my two cents. In order to do this effectively, and since it is also a main part of my point, I need to explain how I approached Dark Souls II. Ever since Oblivion, I have essentially attempted to create a battle-mage, in all rpg's. For me, there is nothing sweeter than running out of

I am an American, but I live in Japan, and have done so for over 6 years total. I love Japan, and I find Lavigne's "Hello Kitty," to be shallow. However, I also make a lot of art honoring Japan, and I fear/wonder if I am being just as shallow and cliche' as her. I made the design you see above, last week. What do you

His shit is meh...

So, basically, mother fuckers with only $15 in their bank account are becoming aware of problems that this causes in their life? Try not being broke as fuck. See how many problems that eliminates.


I can't wait for Japanese game devs to make a game like AC or GTA, set in Japan. It doesn't need to be all violent either, but I am tired of Japanese games acting like cities are tiny tunnels. I am going to buy a motorcycle, so I can really explore Japan, IRL. Wish me luck on taking my motorcycle safety course in

Are the invisible walls present in all Yakuza games still present in this one, or are you able to freely roam, like you can in Assassin's Creed or GTA 5? If, so, I will not enjoy this game. I live in Japan, and trust me, there are no invisible walls at the edges of streets, etc. You can walk all anywhere you want,

I give you props, Jason. You finally mentioned enough about Japan in this article, noting that in just over a week, North America will be able to play the game that first entered my 3DS LL slot about a year ago.

That's it? That's all the love you gonna show me? I suppose I should be grateful this His Royal Majesty even bothered to respond to a peon like me at all.

Jason, I think we should finally address the issue of you always being a year late on JRPGs, because you wait for them to be localized. I have called you out on it before, here, here, and here. For some reason, you always fail to respond. Even if you are harsh in your reply, I would appreciate a reply all the same. We

In Japan, Japanese is more important than any other language, though. Just like it doesn't matter how good Schwarzenegger is at getting to the chopper, if he can't use chopsticks, in Japan, his big ass wont eat.

Who in the fuck says the word "nana"?

Why are you so bad at Japanese? Answer, because you don't ever fucking speak it in your country. Also, English should be capitalized, oh educated one.

Recommended for having a dope name...

As an artist, Hyung-Tae Kim is one of the only other artists whom I respect, on this whole fucking planet. Your opinion is not something I respect.

One more problem the PS4 doesn't have. Too bad Earth doesn't have a Kinect. XBOX SIGN OUT!

You know what sucks? When it takes mods to make the games we really want to play, and they make them better, and faster than the guys who get paid to make fucking games for us. Recommend if you would buy The Elder Scrolls 6 right now, if only they fucking made it already, and you could...