LOL... it is a list right. I give up on that shit though. Fuck, you buy a 2 thousand dollar gaming PC to not have a list. Last time I ever make that mistake.
LOL... it is a list right. I give up on that shit though. Fuck, you buy a 2 thousand dollar gaming PC to not have a list. Last time I ever make that mistake.
I am using Windows 8 Japanese. That shit was a bitch to set up, and still is a bitch to use. Stupid ass fucking start screen.
I live in Japan. Try doing all that in Japanese, and shipping that shit to Japan, with a credit card from the states. Okay. I think I am done with trying to game on PC. It is easy as fuck to just drive my scooter down to the Japanese Game store, and buy a new game for the Vita, a game that wont come out in the states…
I bet you don't live in Japan do you? Does that PC guy who does know everything about them, well, does he speak English? Does the online resource ship parts overnight to Japan? Okay, it is not as easy for all of us, for a variety of reasons. I can get some Japanese pussy pretty easily though, so thank God for that.
Well, let me tell you about myself. You call doing PC research simple, and for most it is. However, I am an American, living in Japan. Many companies don't ship products here. Also, most people here speak Japanese, something I am learning to do, but am not yet proficient enough at, to talk about a complex PC build.
The whole reason to play a console, is so you don't have to fuck with all the PC issues, like steam popping up and refreshing, like your PC having specific issues or bugs or failures unique to your machine, etc.
What was disappointing about it? I loved it. What would be your best Halo game?
Actually, I moved to Japan. That is partially why I have been enjoying this debate, not because I am super passionate about the subject matter, but simply because I am isolated, and I relish the opportunity to speak deeply in my own language. That being said, I think we need to make something clear.
I was too lazy to look it up... LOL... What about Hugh G. Rection though...
Missing In Action
Reminds me of this dude I know named Mike Ock.
It's not okay for people to take things from other people. Cops take people's freedom when they enforce laws, and lock human beings in cages. Laws are just one person or group of people, trying to tell another person or group of people, what it is okay to do or not do.
That's a shame. It was really well written. Perhaps, believing that you have better things to do, than reading enlightening lessons from people attempting to educate you, is the root cause of your ignorance. It is a shame that you are not intelligent enough to even care about being intelligent, to know how smart your…
Cops don't have to deal with anything more than anyone else on a daily basis. Why? Because, they don't have to be cops. They chose to be cops. Every day. Do criminals deal with more than you or I on a daily basis? Sure they do. A normal day at the office, might lead to some big ass mother fucker in body armor slamming…
You do the crime you do the time.
Well, let's take this time to explore this further. Let's take our minds on a journey of thought. Let's conduct a thought experiment. Before we do so, let's address your calling me me a fucking idiot. That is not needed, or productive. Should I really waste both of our time with lines of text that explain to you that,…
Think about Japanese, sort of like an equation in algebra. You don’t necessarily need to know what X is, to understand algebra, or how it works. When I read, I still just read the characters I can, and I simply say the word Kanji, when I get to one I can't read.
Great. Start small. Buy a dictionary, a notebook, flash cards, and writing utensils. Learn Hiragana and Katakana. Make flash cards, and test yourself until you know them. They are the same sounds, with different letters, like our AEIOU.
Are you agreeing with me? I mean, it sounds like we are saying the same thing. If someone shoots out some windows with a BB gun, then just let it be. Trying to arrest them, or snitching on them to get them in trouble with the law, sounds like someone is trying to get revenge for their windows being broken, as you put…
By the way, I don't live in Detroit anymore. I live in Japan. My block looks like this, over here, and I am the only thugged out white boy, in my whole neighborhood.