
Batter Blasters are freaking awesome for camping.

Camaro drivers are serial killers.

I think one of you should cancel your internet and you should share all the time. Boom.

One of these days thieves are going to figure out how to turn iPhones off.

Sounds like you know what to get her from Christmas.

@destryer: Exactly what I was about to post. This seems obvious.


@Phatric: Seriously, my heart rate went up just watching the video.

@SkipErnst: Aha, exactly. I knew there must be a name associated.

@SkipErnst: Yup, but people always think we'll get better performance out of these advances. Yes, you'd get better performance out of your phone from today, but a phone from the future will probably be giving you more features instead of performance. This is, of course, not limited to the phone industry. A lot (dare I

Aaaand by the time this comes out phones will be using 10x the power.

@motormanmark: You can also chip a 335 to be faster than an M3. But people still get M3s.

@Harrison: It's also the size the 3 series used to be. Hmm.

Everyone must be huddled around the Fulcrum. And pissed that there's a much bigger ship watching and laughing.

@Betty Foy: Like accidentally going 26 in a 25? Serious speeding there, and this thing will ticket you.

He was put up to it by the local body shop...