
I'm willing to give this title another chance, but i remember feeling betrayed by this Zelda title after wanted something of a more serious art style. Not to mention it being a little easy.. I recall thinking at the time "this was made for 5 year old brother, not me" and its not worth £45 when GTAV was only £35,

Day 1 - i was stuck on the tutorial and after 8 hours of trying i gave up.

It's funny you mention monster hunter, with MH3U on the wiiU it took player to complain about the servers being region locked before they even considered people might want to play with other people around the world..And the reason was because "they felt it would ruin the experience"..It just shows capcom don't

It's in the game, i caught a wild one last night!

Last night i had 5 friends all watching a stream of someone playing the game from start on twitch because they couldn't wait till the morning, now that's just sad IMO

"That shit cray!"

Cool mod and i look forward to seeing more but, im going back to play GTA V

Kotaku certainly wont, its obvious this site favors PS4 over XBO and its perfectly clear in the type of articles and advertisements coming threw over the last couple of months. And who can blame them..they must be swamped in free hats and coffee mugs from Sony.

The Yankee's didn't win WW2 ^^

I'm in the UK and i didn't realize till today it was the anniversary...TBH i don't see the problem when america see's fit to make a movie about the attacks.

And folks who cant speak Japanese should be left out??

Alot of folks say wait outside a store for a game at midnight is stupid, but the majority of us do it...Each their own i say.

You Sir are a idiot!

I believe she is going to end up be related to "The End" in MGS3 purely because the patterns on her face are identical to the ones on the ends head.

I've had this mouse now for about a year and i bought it because my previous one got covered in water thanks to my cat. despite it being a light weight mouse (i know folks like them heavy) its very precise and simple but effective for gaming and comes with a nice long breaded cable and a lifetime warranty.

Ok, i see what your coming from in that respect.

There's nothing TOO question, you wouldn't of been playing the other without it.

I'm with you, for £430 i want it to do more then game!I think the majority of folks complaining are either Sony fanboys or are annoyed that its overpriced (compared with ps4) because kinect comes with it.

I made it to 00:52, and recalled only watching ep 11 last night and forgetting to view the new one. But god that's terrible track, it almost makes me not want to watch the new episode!!