Maybe he means Descent: Freespace.
Maybe he means Descent: Freespace.
A store dedicated to that? No. The closest we have to that in New Zealand is an internet cafe, where the computers are loaded with some popular AAA games (Usually things like Warcraft, Counterstrike, CoD etc).
Jazz Jackrabbit?
It's the same here in New Zealand. Internet speeds are nowhere near USA levels, and most ISP's only offer limited downloads per month, usually 20-60gb. Having to download all games would VERY quickly chew through that.
Mine have to be:
Str increases the armour for all classes, and int increases the resistances to various forms of elemental damage.
I can confirm, you only get a follower if you're playing solo, 2+ people playing together means no followers.
Source of my wallpaper: []
I did. My bad.
Heh, whoops, reading fail.
Personally, I've been having a great time with DCUO. The combat makes it a refreshing change of pace from WoW.
I'd recommend Saints Row 3, it's fun, not too demanding, and you can complete about 90% of it in a rather short time. Following that, Mass Effect 3, simply to save yourself from any spoilers XD
Most fun I've had had to be as a Turian Sentinel with maxxed chaining Overload vs Geth. Between myself and another Turian Sentinel, we tore the poor things appart.
I presume it means thermal clip.
I know full well what you mean. Here in New Zealand, if you want to get a brand new AAA title, you can expect to spend anywhere between $100-130 NZD. With the current going rate of 80 US cents to the NZD, that still means you're going to pay $80-100 USD. Steam does help a bit, letting me buy games at US prices, but…
Hahaha, I freaking love DBZA ^.^
According to the kickstarter page update, that video was filmed a month before the kickstarter project started, so it's probably not 2Player Productions.
Is it weird if I Om Nom Nom, Nom Nom like the Heavy while eating?
If you go into your style tab (Might have been Y, can't remember), you can select which piece of armour you want displayed, and each slot has a padlock icon, to let you to lock your look.