
I chose to do my 15 page analytical research paper on this subject my junior year of college. From what I found it seemed that all violent video games did was desensitize our brains to violence, but that’s what media does. Romantic novels and movies can create false allusions of romance and expectations of lovers and

Considering the movie adaptation is being directed by Steven Spielberg I highly doubt it.

You realize how unintelligible that statement is, right?

Needed some extra cash when I was in college, so I decided to sell my xbox 360. But before I did I wanted to play the Mass Effect Trilogy because I never had the opportunity to play it. Marathoned all three back to back. Stopped only once when I accidentally fell asleep in the middle of Mass Effect 2.

Being from Arkansas myself I can attest that as a child we took a school field trip there every year until high school. It's so rare to find something. Did find a shitton of Quartz though!

The #2 reason that people got the PS4 is because of a Blu-Ray player and yet the Xbox plays Bluray as well! The resolution is the same for both consoles, albeit the PC blows them both out of the water! I got both a Xbox One and PS4 because of their exclusives. Surprised that's not a larger reason!

*Fingers crossed* RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2

Don't even get me started on the HD/First Person late night *ahem* activities.

See I don't agree. While timed exclusive games doesn't bother me all too much no matter the system. Timed exclusive content does. Especially if you have to pay the same price for less content. That's not fair to the gamer.

I had the fortune of purchasing the Xbox One on release day. I had no intention to get either, but my college roommate was getting an Xbox One and talked me into it despite my hesitations. Upon purchasing I bought Ryse: Son of Rome, Fifa 14, and Deadrising 3. Within 24 hours (albeit non-stop Red Bull pounding) I had

If you listen to the dialogue they say that they haven't seen Robin in "months" not years.

I've had my Xbox One going on 11 hours now and in no way have any problems with it. There have been a very few reported numbers of the disc drive error, only four videos. Based off of those stats it is pretty obvious that this is not a design flaw but more of a manufacturing error. You can't blame Microsoft for that,