
Sure. And I'll be judgey mcjudge pants about the utter waste and consumerism of the .1%. I'm under no obligation to be nice about her decision.

The nanny's hustle game is strong.

I'd also like to point out that Tony Curran's sex-face is intensely disturbing.

I would like to point out that my non-scifi-loving wife was on the couch when the Defiance finale came on, and, thanks to last week's awesome episode, I told her how good the show was. "Sure, it has aliens with goofy foreheads, but they're doing to some good Buffy and Angel-style character work. I think you might like

Soon to be banned in Australia :P

Hm, yeah, I see it.

I get all the issues people are bringing forward, but I have to say that this is still pretty well done. No, we shouldn't say "men should protect women" or anything like that, but a lot of times a guy is out with a buddy, isn't he? Appealing to the buddy to step in where his friend is about to sexually assault

Once again, proof positive that the term "White Knight" is used largely by douchebags who don't understand feminism and want it to be about "Bitches be crazy and anyone being nice to them just want sex."

or, you know, speak up when somebody's being a d-bag. how hard is that?

At this point I'm pretty sure I'm just asleep.

Sorry, it's taking me awhile to come up with the right answer...

Haha, that's a depressing looking year for those of us who grew up during the Golden Age.

What's got two thumbs and will be spending another 40 or 50 hours playing Blitzball?

If they really wanted to add value, they could have, I dunno — made the story better. *ducks*

Now Tidus looks even more like Meg Ryan. Thank you High Definition!

I would say Tolkien's genius is in his creativity and world-building, not his prose.

I stopped watching Babylon Five when I realized I couldn't tell which was worse, the acting or the writing.

Honor Harrington got dropped relatively early on, in whichever book it was where a minor crewman got involved in an altercation and it became clear what would be criminal offenses for people the author disliked

I gave up in early season 4. In hindsight I should have given up in s3 or earlier.

When the hero turns into an illogical pile of bullshit.