Nothing like a rich white guy telling women to not be offended!
Nothing like a rich white guy telling women to not be offended!
I know what the dickwolves comic is.
I should have clarified, I mean closeted MRAs that troll the gawker sites and reddit.
It wasn't the comic that caused the bigger shitstorm, it was his tweets. And he did it again.
I no RITE! We should go back to the days of the 1960s when everyone 'knew their place' AMURITE?
No one said that. That's not even remotely close to the controversy.
No, people are upset because he was a huge asshole in responding to the original semi-controversy about dickwolves.
Yeah, society advances like that. A few years ago, it was illegal for blacks to marry whites... TMYK
This x1000
That follow up comment completely missed the point and was trolling. The fact that people "loved" that follow up troll is exactly the issue.
THIS. Dickwolves was a comic about Diablo that had a semi-rape joke in it. They got hammered for it, and that should have been that. They could have kept going and doing whatever jokes they wanted, (no law against that)
Already flooded with MRA defense force. Read his fucking tweets before you start bashing the mythical "PC police". He fucking tweets like a huge, angry douchebag.
No one said you can't make jokes about rape. People are saying that constant rape jokes are for 1, beaten to death already, and 2 reinforce rape culture.
That isn't what happened
Good job, because Furies are the same as Trans right?
Dictionaries are published to sell and make money. They put slang and internet phrases in them now, to sell more books. Definitions in those books are observations and suggestions, at best. At worst, they are often simply wrong.
This goes without saying, until you take a closer look at the 'dice-cards' combo-tatt ugh.
It's the common usage of 'bricked' not the strict one. We all know the difference. Generally if you can't run your OS, it's now considered "bricked" since it's close enough.
Yes, but the testing is risk based and limited. They can't test all 3rd party HDDs and get their useless anti-homebrew FW out on time.
Are you the Situation from Jersey Shore? Have you actually ever held down a job aside from trying to sell cel-phone cases at the mall kiosk?