
Context- in season 1 of the show she created, all minorities exist as stereotype side characters.

After the fact? After the A-Lister gave her direction?

There is nothing in this article to suggest Dunham is brave.

A-Lister replies to Dunham, Lena immediately pitches a tent under her ass and begins to suck. Did we expect anything else? Girls Season 2 was an insult to everyone who pays for HBO.

This one time, at band camp, I had an abortion... for lunch!

She probably has a pen-vape, but the DaVinci is pretty snug.

It can't be any worse than the original Jolie Raider flicks? Or can it? They've rebooted the video game series 4+ times. It's always been decent, but never really something that screamed out for a movie adaptation.

I have always loathed Sammy Hagar's music and persona. But he really is a tequila nerd and Cabo Wabo is surprisingly fantastic in a well made margarita.

Farrah Abraham is that you?

Oh yes, you are quite the expert at articulating your hateful, irrationally angry, projection fueled thoughts.

The Godfather II + The Sims + Saints Row II + Zombies = This game. In a good way.

ROFL that's your thought process? "It's been going on since the 1940s"

The NBA game is harder than football to do in a videogame. Almost as hard as hockey (watch the SCP, now play NHL, not even close. The problem is the lack of good physics for puck, puck+ stick, puck+ ice, etc...)

What about Vagrant Story! The greatest Square game ever made!

Yeah the battle system was very cool. I never did finish the game because of Vaan and backtracking tho,

No, all of the bosses are easily beatable solo with the right gear or tactics. Without any spoilers, the toughest boss battle in the game IMO (first time you fight it) becomes extremely easy if you use certain tactics.

Ratchet and AssCreedII, no and no. Not even top 50 PS3 games. The entire Ass Creed series is a bore, AC Black Flag hopefully fixes the lack of good gameplay.

Project nonsense much? PO unlike the "sex offenders" you work with is... not a sex offender! See how easy this is? Wipe your own life off the lens with which you view the world sometime.

Oh go take a nap you insufferably judgmental douche.

Well it's partly due to the semi-unbalanced RockPaperScissors set up of PVP, how they changed it with a patch, and the various exploits people found.