
That doesn't mean that they're not problems. Besides, third world people encounter many problems, including those typically scoffed-at as "first world problems."

She's 32 :D

She has white hair on her bangs. It's glorious. Her pic is now helping me become more accepting of my ever-growing number of white hairs.

Love Tori Black! I first saw her in X-Art. Video had a pretty amusing behind-the-scenes.

And here I am having farting contests with my boyfriend.

*applause* That was glorious, and thank you for saying all that. I can't imagine me being able to explain the issue without getting angry.

No "pedigree" breeding here. That's just how she looks and all. The owners have been clear on that matter.

I can only think of Dane Cross who used to be with Faye Reagan. They often performed together. (I know my porn stars and I'm not ashamed of it.)

I hope this comment is just a parody of either a troll or an outraged, hypersensitive person. If so, yay! Well done! If not....um.

Donatello. As a kid, I thought Michaelangelo was too immature, Raphael was too full of himself, and Leonardo was just...meh.

"Dealing with Shit and Shenanigans" would be an awesome name for your show.

It's not all the photographer's fault. There are some couples who have a particular vision for their shoot, and they're ones who have a say on where to take photos, how to shoot them, and what they wear.

Thanks for that GIF—I love K-On!

"Instead of moping around about not having any cash to go shopping for a real Cartier love bracelet, or someone to buy it for them, they can just slip on a stack of rubber bracelets from high school, still sitting in a drawer." And what's wrong with preferring rubber bracelets? Sure beats moping about jewelry.

It continues to puzzle me how and why people continue to stick to whatever gender norms are assigned to them and how come there are those who don't look beyond and question these norms. It puts me in mind of a local TV show which attempts to solve people's personal problems (it's a less-crazy Jerry Springer) and often

"When we teach our boys that the only acceptable feelings are rage, lust, and aggressive self-assertion, it's hardly any wonder how many of them grow up to be abusive, lecherous, domineering men."

"Manscaping" makes me think it involves adding hot men to improve the landscape.

Cooper and Pancake! I love those fellas.

"Oh, you feel bad about your body hair? Let's get rid of it so you'll feel better about yourself."

I was waiting for an epic bloodbath. Instead, we get not-even snarky dialogue and a "diplomatic" resolution of sorts.