Are they going after Microsoft next for having the same feature with the Skype add-ons?
Are they going after Microsoft next for having the same feature with the Skype add-ons?
or you can just pay EA 50 bucks for the add-on....
Hmmm... Emma.
EULA. A better translation would have been "EULA (End User License Agreement, or the actual things you're clicking through without reading)."
This may be a worthy link for you: []
sponsored by Motorola Droid..... HA!
Godzilla happened. Hollywood happened.
From the screenshot, it looks a lot like Limbo.
One cloud in 24 hours.... One cloud...
a quicker way to call it is "mime". Google Marcel Marceau.
Shaken, not stirred.
+1 here sir!
+1 and a heart.
And then people freaked out over GTA ???
I see what you did there at 1:19. Trying to take out both Red Bulls in one go.
And the video is here: []
Saw this one at Geneva show. Gorgeous.
Almost fell asleep..... Why does it look like there is no traction difference between driving in the dirt or on the tarmac? And where's the music to cover that aweful engine sound?