This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.
This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.
No. How is her image ruined by giving the child the police. Know one had to know she gave the child to the police. Why are you trying to make excuses for her she is vile human being that killed her child.
I like how African leaders often accuse calls for LGBT tolerance as “Western influence” interfering in African affairs, while simultaneously believing homosexuality a sin because of their deeply held Catholic values.
Agents of SHIELD needs to open with Coulson and the gang trying to decide where to put the huge Thomas the Train engine.
Los Angeles “forests” don’t look like this. They are dry as hell. The biggest danger is dehydration. I’m guessing the “forest” was low brush with a few oaks. It’s hot and dry out here.
Seriously, I’m surprised the offending content wasn’t Adam Sandler pulling his eyes sideways and doing an “impression” of a Chinese person.
“Here, read this script.”
Nobody is telling you how bad Pixels is. You are seeking out material that states Pixels is bad. You are not a passive recipient of this information.
I certainly disagree that Star Trek wasn’t and doesn’t continue to be (at most with the exception of the last two movies, which were made to appeal to wider audiences) political. The role of scifi is to explore current political and social issues through a lens that allows us the distance necessary to assess and…
Voxels, not pixels; they’re made of voxels.
“What’s Yoko Ono?”
Why won’t you answer the question, if Franken is such a dolt, give me the name of a politician who is leading the way on these sorts of issues?
Sure you can’t find a way to blame Obama while you’re at it....? *eyeroll* #RelevantTake
I’d like to imagine that bar fight was with Bill O’Reilly.
I kept scrolling and it wouldn’t stop. Thought maybe I was dead and in purgatory.
I didn’t actually want to know the real story. I like to imagine he got into a bar fight.
Oil pulling, detox, people still buy into this b.s. huh? The only product I endorse is Gleemonex.
OHV/MTB use is being retained at both Basin and Range and the one in California with the name that’s too long to remember. That’s one of the unique things about Monuments; the ability to define certain exemptions or rules that are unique and differ from the typical Park rules.
to clarify, these are not donations for transplant, they are for research. you know that pro-life photo that goes around that’s supposed to be a doctor performing heart surgery on a baby in utero? do you think that doctor never practiced that surgery on a heart from an aborted fetus?
Prediction: Bruce Wayne is the Joker and the last 75 years have been a Fight Club situation.