
Alternate theory then: He's a garbage man to make sure that all the toys that are thrown away meet their doom.

The ruling seems fuzzy to me. It makes a big leap from fingerprints being used as identification, similar to DNA - to being used as a key.


It is possible to bruise a consenting partner in the context of BDSM, how that is proof that all your partners have consented to such I do not know.

Well, I guess when you already have a racist mascot, rape jokes are one of the few avenues left to you to make things even more offensive.

Everyone please pipe down, a man is talking.

Brave person. Reasonable criticisms.

This is on the Show Info part of every AS video, and on the channel header:

No one said all games have to be about 'girl power' though, you'll not find that in any of her videos.

Why don't you watch her videos and find out what games she finds offensive?

#notalldouchebags, amirite?

Views like what? You disagree that many boys are taught, both at home and in society, that violence is an acceptable (romantic even) way to deal with one's problems?

If there's nothing she can do, why do you give enough of a shit to write a long, rambling post about it? Are you scared us girl gamers are gonna mess with your boy toys?

An agency used by WB to promote the game, wanted to pay YouTubers to present the video on their channel positively. Some YouTubers said this is okay, because it happens. Some didn't. The fact is, is that this was a real example of something that happens a lot, and barely a peep after some big guys on YouTube came out

Gamers: "We want games to be considered Art!"

Gamergate started circling the wagons the moment Sarkeesian tweeted the picture of herself at Colbert's desk.

"Cherry pick data"? If you're referring to Sarkeesian's videos, that's...not what's going on. Like, at all. Unless, of course, you want to argue that a huge chunk of academic cultural and media criticism is "cherry picking data".

And everyone has a political agenda. Choosing not to talk about this stuff is political;

I wonder how many angry e-mails Budlight with Lime and Prescott Pharmaceuticals are gonna get this week.

God Bless America just needs to get the fuck out