
Amador told WFAA she doubts this is what happened since she uses a unique 21-character password for her Ring account.”

It’s sad that seven of the 24 “most innovative” gadgets of the decade are various iterations of the rectangular touch screen phone. Sorry but that’s not innovation. It’s commoditization. How about something different, like the e-bike or e-scooter? 3D Printers? LED lightbulb? Tesla? Wireless Charger?

But it looks so good next to my Juicero!

Not sure about that, but I think Tesla will eventually become a technology supplier to traditional auto makers.  There is a lot about design and manufacturing that he doesn’t understand.

It looks like a DeLorean had sex with a Pontiac Aztek. And due to years of cocaine consumption, the baby was born without a truck bed.

I experienced zero problems.  Maybe I’m on Uncle Walt’s favorite list.

Yes. The amount of air to float a boat can easily be seen in a pontoon boat. I suppose you could make bigger pontoons, and make them out of this kind of metal. But I fail to see how that is much better than a regular pontoon.

The quotation cited the legal limit of THC in industrial hemp.   If you need to find that, I’m not your librarian.  You can pull it up yourself. 

Industrial hemp can contain up to .3% THC. For example:

And regrettably almost all CBD has traces of THC, which get on your hands and therefore on your wang when you pee in the cup, bingo positive test.

Great. Now somebody is going to test positive because some jackass contaminated the bench press with his CBD shorts.

Anyone else binge watching the Apple Dumpling Gang?

Seems like the most passive-agressive move by a corporation, ever.  “Sue us for the fire?  Fine!  We’ll make sure it never happens again!”

Really, they didn’t anticipate hitting a rock?

The Surface Pro X is a really big deal, but finding life on Mars might not be??  Gizmodo today is a hoot.

Unless you define “big deal” as whether it will result in a better smartphone camera for the next Samsung Galaxy, yes it’s a big deal.

I got this beat by 3 decades.  Read about the Autoped company.

Dude, how is the camel???