
You can’t ban subsidies. It’s unconstitutional. However you can vote out local government if you don’t like the deals.

Home Depot has this:

Home Depot has this:

So how is this different from that old guy who spends his days at the race track, a cigar in his mouth and a rolled up racing program in his hand?

I tried that. My oldest kid knew which one was the real one. Once he broke a harmony remote, and I bought an identical replacement. He only wanted the good one.

Once upon a time our military technologists told us that anything was possible.  Now they say they still can’t retire Windows XP.

Does anyone notice that I said I like this sharpener? I own the damn sharpener. I don’t deliberately use dull knives.

Does anyone notice that I said I like this sharpener? I own the damn sharpener. I don’t deliberately use dull

Well I can’t be that clumsy, because I don’t get cut with my death-trap machine-cleaned knives.

Well I can’t be that clumsy, because I don’t get cut with my death-trap machine-cleaned knives.

If you look closely it is the certificate which says she successfully completed the online course on the proper use of Miami University’s computer labs.

I hope they didn’t wait to get the team photos done for the year.  

Really, meanwhile Speed Racer is taking up space for no apparent reason.

I believe that is the newest dipping sauce.  

That has never been my experience.  For me, a little slip with a sharp knife cuts pretty deep.  A little slip with a dull knife glances off my fingernail.  

That has never been my experience.  For me, a little slip with a sharp knife cuts pretty deep.  A little slip with a

Yeah, try cooking for a family of six in between practices, homework, and bed.

Yeah, try cooking for a family of six in between practices, homework, and bed.

I have to feed a family of six, so I use knives constantly. So much is going on between homework, dinner, and practices that I have no time to pamper a tool. Cooking is not a leisure activity for me, and neither is cleanup.

I have to feed a family of six, so I use knives constantly. So much is going on between homework, dinner, and

Looking at your list of items, is it possible you have a vinyl allergy?

I have cut myself with a sharp knife taking it out of the dishwasher. I have also cut through the tip of my fingernail/finger with a sharp knife. Neither of those things happens with a dull knife.

I have cut myself with a sharp knife taking it out of the dishwasher. I have also cut through the tip of my

I do like that sharpener. That said, I don’t think it’s really true that duller knives cut you more.

I do like that sharpener. That said, I don’t think it’s really true that duller knives cut you more.

Sounds like he’s soon going to be in the abandoned, non-working vehicle business. Because once that car is apart, it’s not leaving the garage until it runs again. And at $20/hr, it doesn’t take long before some guy walks away from the situation. Also I can see people realizing halfway in that the car is not worth

I’m not knowledgeable about the architecture Atari 2600, but sprites and collisions were handled by a separate video chip. It’s possible that some defect in his rig caused a sync issue between the processor and the video chip.