I don’t know why they are talking about plutonium. The primary contaminants are radioactive cesium, iodine, and strontium. Those are in the 30 year half-life range. So 24,000 years would be 800 half-lives. The radioactivity would thus be (1/2)^800.
I don’t know why they are talking about plutonium. The primary contaminants are radioactive cesium, iodine, and strontium. Those are in the 30 year half-life range. So 24,000 years would be 800 half-lives. The radioactivity would thus be (1/2)^800.
Nobody was anxious about not being in the phone book. In fact they charged extra for the privilege.
I tried that. My oldest kid knew which one was the real one. Once he broke a harmony remote, and I bought an identical replacement. He only wanted the good one.
Now that I know that, I guess I need to watch zero of the episodes. Thanks!
Actually, a hard g is like “go”. A soft g is like “page”.
Once upon a time our military technologists told us that anything was possible. Now they say they still can’t retire Windows XP.
Does anyone notice that I said I like this sharpener? I own the damn sharpener. I don’t deliberately use dull knives.
Does anyone notice that I said I like this sharpener? I own the damn sharpener. I don’t deliberately use dull…
Well I can’t be that clumsy, because I don’t get cut with my death-trap machine-cleaned knives.
Well I can’t be that clumsy, because I don’t get cut with my death-trap machine-cleaned knives.
If it was Ebola,
Yeah but also the part where he was electrocuting elephants to convince us to adopt an inferior standard.
Let’s face it. Edison was technology’s first douchebag. There, I said it.
If you look closely it is the certificate which says she successfully completed the online course on the proper use of Miami University’s computer labs.
Your review: This rowboat is terrible! Useless for water skiing, drug running, or exploring undersea caves.
Oh poor thing, no wonder girls won’t touch you!
But you still reply. Sorry for your inability to reproduce.
Bad guess, shoebox.
Wait, so the government is investigating them for fraud because they are not really creating a Ponzi scheme like they promised?
No, you left your webcam on and I took a screenshot.
Gee, I must be too busy to be a full time fanboy. Sorry I have frittered away too much time on the wife and kids.