I want to see her do Willy Wonka, but a remake like the Wiz. She’s got that right kind of energy.
I want to see her do Willy Wonka, but a remake like the Wiz. She’s got that right kind of energy.
I just watched Double Toasted on Youtube and they did not one, but TWO videos on Fall From Grace. I’m just not into his movies but holy shit was that funny as hell.It ALMOST makes me want to watch it.
Thanks even though I was just messing with ya. I actually didn’t know it was an actual thing, I just thought it was a very good typo.
Who is this “Superb Owl” you speak of? Sounds like a good chap.
The smile on that kid’s face is pure joy..
I’m about as surprised about this as I am about me not being the king of the world. Kanye is an asshole, how could this NOT happen?
Damn. P5 would totally rock on the switch.
“Unless they’re planning on partnering with Epic, this makes zero sense for Sony”
Ah shit. I was thinking of E. Cummings and got confused. For a second I thought there was some weird Kinja shit going on with the date. Hope the good man makes it. If anyone deserves one less fight in his life it’s Rep. Lewis.
A friend gave me Batman: Dark Tomorrow as a birthday gift. It was one of the worst games I have ever played. AND...That was also the day the Iraq War started.
But the crooked delegation wants a donation to send the preacher to the holy land. Lord, please don’t give your money to that lyin’ cheatin’ man.
I remember disliking FF 13 immensely when it came out and I’m sorry to say that my opinion hasn’t changed a bit since the last time I tried to get back into it.
No Outer Worlds? I’m curious, did you not play it or did it not do it for you? I thought it was easily one of the best games this year....
Passenger 57 was AWESOME. I love that shitty movie.
My exact thoughts. I’ve had NMS since release and I never finished it until the Beyond update..I had an excellent playthough with that update.
Most PC gamers I know of are single players with no need for a splitscreen. Also, most monitors are smaller than your average TV so there’s a smaller amount of screen real estate to split. I’m sure developers have probably done the numbers on this.
Not surprised given they have a VR headset to sell but goddamn how tone deaf can you be? They know people want HL3, why in gods name would you go this route? I’m still hoping it’s good though. The better it does the more of a chance HL3 will happen.
It’s not like you actually own the games you already have. You own the licence and a hunk of plastic. Even if you own the disk, 90 percent of everything you play in the current gen is online enabled, they can still shut you out of a game. Read your EULA.. We are all renters now.
I wish you all the fucking stars. Every last one of them. Fuck this dude.
They can’t sell it if you don’t buy it. Leave it on the (digital) shelf, people.