I wouldn’t put DiBlasio in charge of cleaning up shit after a horse race. The dude is a horrible mayor. I’d pick any of the other candidates over him. lol.
I wouldn’t put DiBlasio in charge of cleaning up shit after a horse race. The dude is a horrible mayor. I’d pick any of the other candidates over him. lol.
“I’m digging her “angry mom/college professor” attitude!”
Don’t say stupid shit and you won’t get your fragile ego bruised.It’s that simple. Claiming that people are lazy because you don’t understand their behavior is insulting. Claiming that video games have only one unique quality is fucking dumb and you deserve to be called out on it.
“The entire point of playing video games is that you have direct control over the story. Watching somebody else play video games takes away the one unique thing about video gaming.”
“him hearing the persona 5 battle theme the first time will always make me smile”
Ok, hold up. I just wrote that I never saw anything with him then I remembered seeing his P5 music reaction video which I enjoyed quite a bit.
Don’t know the guy and never watched his You tube stuff, but it still hurts when I hear stuff like this. Life can be pretty fucked up and no one but you can explain how you are feeling about it.The pain this guy must have felt going through this must have been incredible.
I was able to do the swap with no problem. The batteries has expanded so much that I had no problem pulling some nylon string under the batteries and removing them. I was surprised it didn’t blow up in my safety glasses. After the removal it was super easy to replace the battery. Everything is up and running again, no…
I’m gonna try the adhesive removal and dental floss trick I saw someone do on Youtube. The iFixit kit comes with everything you need including the adhesive removal kit. Hopefully not turning it on for a week will lose some of the charge, reducing the chance of a fire.
They should go back further. I have a late 2013 MacBook Pro that I noticed had quite a lump in the middle all of a sudden. Knowing it wasn’t under warranty anymore I opened the back to discover that all of the little battery packets had expanded into little pillows. Since nothing is covered at all I ordered a…
The manager should be let go as well. You only do shit like that when you are in an environment where you think you can get away with it, and he almost did. How else did he think this was going to end? He’s lucky it didn’t escalate to a brawl.
It is real life. The minute he took a camera into a public bathroom he crossed the line and as an “adult” he should have known better (And you should as well). He is getting dragged because he deserves to be. He’s lucky he didn’t get his ass kicked, doing what he did.
Bruce Willis
That’s awesome. Would have been even more awesome if this was done awhile ago. My PS4 save is the most used out of all 3 and I would have liked to spend less time regrinding content I already grinded. When I played on other platforms. But what’s done is done, it’s all good. I’m thinking a return is in order, I haven’t…
“Donald Trump’s taste is difficult to describe.”
Anthem. It’s the disappointment gift that unfortunately keeps on giving.
Looks better? It’s like saying a pile of runny shit looks better than a pile of vomit.Both are gross as hell.
“the couple was confronted by a doppelganger Barbara Bush or a distant cousin of Lady Oleanna Tyrell”
I loved the game but I thought it could have been 30 hours shorter. The end run for me was a bit of a slog. Overall though I had a fantastic time with it, although the time constraints were a bit of a pain in the ass.
Same. Steam link was a pain in the ass to get working and when it did it wasn’t all that great. Luckily it was easy enough to connect my PC directly to my TV so it wasn’t really needed. At 5 bucks though, not really a loss. I tried the Wireless app yesterday and it was pretty laggy, but it connected easy enough.…