
I finally started seeking therapy when I was 27. I was the worst I'd been since the onset of depression when I was 10...

I'm turning 30 in a few weeks. I'm better than I have been in a long time but there's a long way for me to go. Something that has helped me is rooting out all the negative things associated with my

I was diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis at 28. I think people need to focus not only on bone-building exercises, but ensuring they get enough vitamin D. Especially women. Having vit D deficiencies affects your body's ability to even absorb calcium. Food allergies can cause malabsorption issues,

I was wondering the same thing. I've freelanced enough to have had the distinct pleasure of writing for several anthologies, many popular websites, and some straight-up bizarre projects, only to sign away all of my rights to even use the writing as samples on a resume. Oh, well. When a writer's gotta eat, a writer


Oh man, i shouldn't laugh at this thread but I am. I've so been there. I get it. Do I ever get it. And my sense of humor about it was quite similar to yours.

Thanks! Yeah, I'd heard that you had to keep eating gluten. I was hoping the small gluten by-products would be enough. I forgot to mention that I was also diagnosed with osteopenia (nearing osteoporosis, and I'm 28) so this is what started the whole thing. They pegged it to a severe vit D/calcium deficiency, which is

I am so confused about my test results. I have endometriosis, so I often have pains, and I understand that. But I have very consistent pain on my right side, horrible horrible bloating, and sometimes I don't, er, "go" for like 4 days at a time. I cut out most (not all) gluten about a month before I got the blood test

Same. The worst part is that it's so sudden! You never know when the sneaky anus cramp will strike.

Thank you <3 I always like hearing it worked for people. Gives me hope :)

These types of articles are dangerous for me to read, because they basically make me want to vent about what an unfair hand I was dealt with my periods. Buuut, in the interest of not being a whiny buttface, I'll keep it to the point:

The anus cramps. are. the. worst. It like, shoots through you suddenly so that you go all wobbly and grimace, and probably make a noise like "AhhhhhhHHHHHHHHbleh". As if that's not noticeable to others haha.

Yep, I have endometriosis and there are days when I just can't go in for fear of bleeding everywhere and having to take a 10-minute break to lay down because of awful cramps. I'm embarrassed to even bring it up to employers, because I don't want to make it sound bad for the rest of the women here. Thankfully, my boss

Same. I asked it it would completely take away the highs because I didn't want to lose my creativity... I draw, write, compose. Creativity in general is one of the few things I feel I'm truly good at. Thankfully the meds I'm on haven't really done that. I generally feel productive and normal most days.

I got divorced (well, separated... long story) at 27, and my ex almost immediately started "dating" (again, long story) a 24 year old. He was 28 at the time. Another one of my exes recently contacted me, told me I looked better now at 28 than I did when he was with me (at 24), then promptly started dating a girl who

I think I replied to the main thread and not you... but the reply in there was meant for you. Dammit, I'm not familiar with this commenting system!

So far, I've just tried Lamictal. I am on a very low dosage, slowly increasing each week to avoid THE RASH OF DEATH. (Quite literally.)

Thank you for the link. I have it bookmarked, because if it turns out I have Celiac disease I'll definitely need to do a lot of research. And I have no plans on stopping my vegetarian ways... if I can be vegan that'd be even better :)

I said the same thing. Glad I wasn't the only one who caught it. As a person who has Bipolar I, I had the choice of trying lamictal or lithium... both of which are pretty limited to treating Bipolar (rather than, say, depression, as you mentioned). It makes me sad when people make jokes about it because it's been a

I used to be vegan, but it got too expensive, so I switched to vegetarian, and I occasionally eat a bit of cheese or Greek yogurt. Now I'm faced with (probably - still going through a battery of tests) Celiac disease and I just wanna give up on food altogether.

Also, I know this is kinda missing the point, but I'm

This book needs to be in my life. Thank you for the recommendation!