
Earlier you mentioned that women who remain childless have nary a care in the world http://jezebel.com/5951157/women-who-choose-to-remain-childless-have-lots-of-money-hardly-a-care-in-the-world). So I think the key here is to never have children, never read news, but you should probably fill your time with pictures

Marriage being a tax break? Man, it just screwed me over on taxes. Weddings are nightmares and I tried to make mine as easy as possible for everyone — people still bitched and complained, and I felt awful. I'd heard one too many horror stories and was determined NOT to be that awful bride.

Honestly, I don't think I've EVER heard anyone say it. It did make me laugh though. It sounded like he was trying way too hard to be conservative and avoid swear words; i.e., "Oh fudgemuffins! I dangadoodle stubbed my toe!"

I do enjoy that word as well. It does not conjure an image of a woman for me, though. I mean, I know what the definition of the word is — but I keep thinking of something like a turnip. I don't know why.

Well because people who drink and get "snookered" are obviously harlots and, what was it? mimbos? yes, that.

Yeah my bf is from the Bay area — Mountain View to be specific — and now that he's in good ol' socal he sticks out saying hella all the time. :p I also noticed that his pronunciation of things like "bag" and "wagon" almost mimic the upper Midwest, where I grew up. I've fallen out of the habit since living in

Yes, amazing analogy. I like it.

I thought the same thing.

I grew up in the Fargo-Moorhead area and moved away in 2007 (like a lot of younger people). Until just recently, the city was embroiled in http://www.wday.com/event/article/id/64130/ this debacle. The anti-abortion rhetoric is all over the place there. There's a lot of churches and a lot of bars, and I was taught

I used to travel all the time for work, and when most airports started to implement the rape-i-scans, I was panicking. I have an extensive history of body image issues as well as an attempted-rape survival, so these sorts of things get me feeling very icky very quickly.