
Here's a good one from DIA. (Denver Int'l).

Well said..

And we now have idiot neo-cons wanting a war with Iran..

I'm not crying.. I'm just laughing at you. :)

You have some serious issues...

Does it blend?

It seemed like an SNL skit, where it's funny for the 1st minute, then they drag the same joke out over and over.

Only thing that bugged me about Agent 33, is that while she could change faces, somehow she also managed to change body size too..

When did Pegg become a wildling?

That makes sense..thanks

I'm confused. I've been seeing alot of right-wingers on my FB feed posting stories about how sea-ice in the arctic is not decreasing. I'm guessing that they have bad data or using shady sources?

So say we all...

Don't really care.. just like I don't care that you probably won't have space fighters in space making pew pew pew sounds and flying around as if they were in an atmosphere.

Darth Jar Jar.. you know you want it...

Slave labor is cheap...

A TV show about the aftermath of an alien invasion such as Defiance?

Anytime a new Apple product comes out, you can hear the fapping from all the Apple Fanboys...

Sarah Palin's tears knowing that she will never get elected to the White House?

Please don't link stuff from the Brietbrats... hate to give those loons more page views.