
"I need a price check on two grapes! Yeah, you heard me, Phil. Two measly, stinkin' grapes."

15-19 year old me loves that dress and would have worn it and all its friends.

My tinydog always grabs my leg whenever I go to get into the shower. I mean, he really wraps his little legs around my leg and refuses to let me get in (for only having 7lbs of pup, he's amazingly strong). I expect it's because he hates the bath so terribly that he's trying to save me from it.

This really has nothing

Something about a rejection of conventional beauty standards and the need for women to be held down/defined by relationships.

Wait - Freudian wise? It means you wanted a penis.

I think it says we would have been great friends as children.

I was a weird, lonely child - basically a play therapists perfect case study.

My Barbies were always having some kind of sexual relationships. I only had one Ken (and a budding pansexuality) so my dolls tended to mostly be lesbians. I think this is normal enough, but I mean - there was a lot of explicit sex. My Barbies

Farrah obviously has some character flaws, but there's obviously some real pain there that needs to be addressed (really addressed, not reality tv addressed). She also needs to get away from her parents and the spotlight and focus on her emotions and determine what she really feels and what she's being told to feel.


Same - I definitely thought he was out?

He needs to stick with Celebrities Read Mean Tweets (that's him, right?) - I like those. The rest of his shticks get old quick.

(This is coming from someone who has never actually watched his show and doesn't actually own a television that plays even the most basic of channels, so my opinion is only equivalent to one

Hmm, I do have a history of severe depression, so that's worrisome. I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the info!

I would LOVE to get an IUD, but when I tried to get it as a teenager the pain was so excruciating that I couldn't go through with it. I've heard that you can have problems if you're young or have never had children, so that may be the case. I also wasn't given any anesthesia, and the aspirin they gave me did exactly

I did and I almost gave myself a rage stroke. Apparently a black man simply existing is enough to make a white man feel threatened enough to claim self defense. Apparently black men have to whistle Vivaldi and try to appear as non-threatening as possible just to make sure all of us white people feel nice and safe.

Happy Birthday! Fried chicken sounds absolutely delicious right about now.

Does anyone have any experience with Implanon? My doctor is referring me to get one and I'm pretty excited. She told me that it was akin to Depo Provera, and I was one of the [seemingly rare] women who suffered no negative side effects to Depo and actually really loved it. Has anyone here gotten Implanon? What was

I wish I had the power to pull this out of the grey. This was a lovely comment.

I am officially in love with this man.

My boyfriend's brother has two Bengal cats, and they are not good indoor cats. They are miserable being cooped up indoors. I really wish his family didn't have their cats, because they let them out and they've already lost one to a car. They're gorgeous, silky animals, but they don't belong in someone's home.

Good for you! My dog was a puppy mill rescue as well. We got him young, but he has so many behavioral problems because he was taken from his mother way too early. I judge people so hard who buy dogs from pet stores. I understand some people may not know better, but that information is EVERYWHERE, and anyone who

That's kind of ridiculous. I have a Toy Fox Terrier/Papillon mix that I adopted from a rescue. Why is that a bad thing? I live in an apartment and a large dog would be unhappy in the urban area in which I live. I understand the negativity towards breeders, but just because my dog is considered a "toy breed" doesn't

Thank you for the kind words - your sister was lucky to have someone so understanding in her life. Even if you were mad at her, or frustrated, I'm sure it was nice to know that there was understanding and unconditional love. It makes a difference.

I'm hoping to use my experiences as a way to help others. My goal is to