
Why not prevent Brian France from taking control of the sport...

Oh, one of you.

I’ve heard 850hp..lol. Though from hearing about how they lost the 200lbs.. I have a feeling this thing will be a useless barge.

It’s a reference to an inside joke here..

Lmao So basically Dodge failed miserably.

Alton Browns recipe is pretty good >_>

Huh. Seems not even the left here decided that was news worthy. Noted. Thanks for the correction.

If the stoppage of admission of refugees is temporary as claimed: No. If the stoppage is permanent: Yes. Though even in the case of the latter, having regional powers take them in would still make more sense.. in theory..

That Cadillac needs more Cadillac

WW3 level dangerous like Hillarys no fly zone plan or dangerous for US troops and those that actually go to said safe zones? There has to be a way to.. nudge.. countries in the region to take refugees that havent taken a single one.

how the hell does that happen in a spec class O_o

So what youre saying is that the ...air pressure was a bit low...? >_>

I’m not saying bring back the wing. I’m saying allow adjustability and a selection of spoilers. There are many different ways to make those blade type spoilers and many useful angles at which to use them. I’m not asking for aerokit type rules, I’m asking for NASCAR to give them an aero parts bin to pull from with

That is their point, yes. However, none of it matters anyways unless they win 2 races: 1 to get into the chase and the last race for teh championship. It’s shit. With a little luck, some random scrub from a shit team could win the championship due to rain. This format is shit, the last format was shit, the format

I thought it was the static pulse weapon they were supposed to come with..

Don’t get me wrong, they could use it as a spring board to make half the races road coursees.. I just dont expect very much from the front office anymore.

Popular road courses dont have attendance issues..

They will likely use it as a novelty then say ‘hey we tried’ then ignore road courses for another decade. Maybe I’m just cynical because they keep making absolutely terrible decisions.

...uhh.. there hasnt been a surplus since the hard fought budget in the mid 90's..

One is techically mandated by the USC. The other is just another tacked on privilege that is falling apart.