
Cool. Wonder if Darwin will have his day.

Penske fan hm?

Rubbin is racing. Pulling a Logano however is grounds not just for an asswhooping but also being wrecked during the chase.

I would DQ him but would allow him to continue on into the chase. I would however suspend him for most of the first round and essentially ruin his chances at a championship.

The plus side is... the underside of that car is still nice and clean

It’s even more dangerous when the driver is a fucking moron.

If Steam in fact is violating the patents then.. tough shit. If they arent.. I hope they win.

It’s what they do to try to shut people up. Call them racist and to silence them. Generally why it is losing its sting as an accusation.

Some of what you say is rather assumtuous. There are plenty of people who happen to have a darker complextion that roll their eyes at Kap just like those who happen to have lighter complexions.

Oh, and I will agree that the country is in a sad state but not because of some percieved ‘hunting season’ or the systemic

Of course they do. They claim anyone who doesnt agree is racist.

Ah, the claim of racism. The last bastion of those incapable of winning arguments.

When I heard what CK did and then later who his new fiance is I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Kapernick is an ignorant tool which was nicely shown by his wearing of a Malcolm X hat and Fidel Castro shirt. Two people who couldnt have

Maybe he’ll do us all a favor and end himself.

That dumbass kid killed himself when he stepped in front of an extremely sight limited, moving, race car.

Well, leftists and BLM’ers are basically incapable of actually waiting for facts in individual cases and act like Trump does with Muslims when it comes to cops.

Thats 2 races in a row for the Porsche Battering Rams.

They are being paid.

I do agree with reforming drug laws (treatment for heroin and other highly addictive drugs). All of them. Ultimately I would rather the US went the libertarian route with drugs. And decriminalizing all arguably victimless crimes would also help.

Seems the Gawkerites who usually love Democracy now deride its use in shedding those that were never elected by those people. Do us all a favor and never vote.

The irony is that you are proving just how ignorant you are. Please do defend a country being controlled by unelected bureaucrats.

You go ahead and pay them 40k a year out of your taxes. Leave me out of it.

It is prison. They do not deserve to be paid ‘fair wages’ for their work. Many of them wouldnt have won that stupid prize if they didnt play stupid games.

HOWEVER... they should actually be rehabilitated and not just punished.

theyre convicts..