How not to get people on your side: Smashing shit and breaking things because you like or dont like someone.
wait.. they spend a crap ton of money on ancient pc’s because of what can be achieve by what amounts to an HPTuners or EFI Live box? come on McLaren..
Nope, just stating fact.
apparently it’s ok if illegal immigrants do it though.
no, the dumb ones are just the ones that are cought.
The US Constitution says that the US govt has no powers specifically granted to it. The general welfare clause is not welfare as thought of today. It is also not the pertinent clause that allows federal highways. Applying 21st century definitions to 18th century writings for the lose.
Here we learn just how little Bernie supporters actually know about Socialism..
Too bad roads are Constitutionally mandated. Try again Bernout.
How the fuck are DL’s Socialist? Youre just another Bernie supporter who has no clue wtf Socialism is.
There is no possible measure that that is true.
The irony of that car with Bernout all over it..
Chris Harris is too good to be the property of something else. If anything Top Gear is now Chris Harris’s Top Gear.
I’m not ignoring it. I’m saying if you want the ‘spirit’ to count.. then put it in plain to read text. Either do that or don’t pass the law.
Build an EM Drive. Put it on a cube sat. Launch the damn thing. We will learn very very fast if it works or not.
Legalese isn’t necessarily specific. See: Laws that relate to the ATF, EPA, enter alphabet agency here. The laws that govern those agencies are insanely vague to the point of creating agencies that can make up laws as they go without congress. Laws (sorry ‘regulations’) that if you break even unknowingly can lead to…
legalese =/= specific.
Von Braun would likely give the PC crowd heartburn. Most probably don’t even know who Hess or Sung are. Ace trolling there throughout.
Bedford Forrest is hilarious but would also give them heartburn. While he did found the KKK he also left it for being too violent and ultimately made a heartfelt apology to the black…
There have been times he has said really silly crap because he’s a real life troll and he takes satisfaction in simply pissing people off. Then there are times when he says weird crap to move the sport along. He is strangely skilled in invoking the ‘yea, well, watch this’ response from people.
I would like to find the…
You know, it’s almost like words are taken horribly out of context and his actions tend to be slightly less retarded than his words. :shrugs:
Still a cranky old man..