
Yeah I could be wrong, but I imagine that in the context of the actual movie the joke is more clearly on Zoolander and Hansel and how stupid and out-of-touch and transphobic they are. That said, I don’t doubt for a second it was edited into the trailer the way it was to make it seem more like a cheap trans joke.

it’s becoming more open to models of all genders but not familiar enough to know that a cheap joke about an ostensibly trans or gender fluid person’s genitalia is retrograde bitchassness.

Do you ever suppose the Republican Muslim Coalition and Log Cabin Republicans hang out? Is it like how the goth kids sometimes used to sit with the theatre kids?

You guys are making me feel so much better! I'm down for a meetup!

Fucking TODAY, you guys. In my 10-year-old’s parent-teacher conference. She’s new to the school and keeps her friends at arm’s length because she seems to not want to “replace” her old friends back home. So we were talking to the teacher and guidance counselor, and I don’t have any friends here, either, so I got sad.

I went to go see Tarzan in theatres. It was my first movie theatre experience and I was like, three. Phil Collins started singing You’ll Be In My Heart, and I started crying and stood up in my high chair-clad seat and yelled, “A gorilla will never be in my heart! Jesus is the only thing in my heart!”


The judge’s sentence: “Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah”

I NEED TO EAT HIS FACE RIGHT NAO!!! Geez that kid makes my ovaries do flips.

I love how his facial expression is like, “what, I’m just here playing my jams.” I hope he has a long and prosperous future.


I’ll only accept coffee if it comes in this cup:

Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.


Tim Gunn plz take me 2 red lobster.

Quick, someone loan me some kids I can buy adorable hats for.

I’m sure she did, before slurring “you’re no Bert Reynolds, you know!” at Bill.