
I agree. I feel like the ,"Ladies, we all hate our bodies!" is a consumerist trap to get us to buy stuff.

Those subtitles look amazing. Wish I knew Portuguese!


Whoa! It's like the Crack Baby rhetoric of the 1980s (which btw, NEVER came true)

Thank you! I know some people didn't appreciate what I said about self-care, but I seriously think we need to examine what's going on there.

Didn't know you could actually bottle and sell child abuse nowadays. I'm in the wrong business. (cries)

Please do. I think you could put this better than me. But if you need any help on where to look, please feel free to contact me. It took me a while to plow through the tumblr jungle.

Holy crap, me, too. It's more infighting and trolling than actual justice. Ira Gray (who now goes by Ira Bohm Sanchez) not only abuses queer theory, he has also abused lots of people. Yet he has gotten LGBT scholarships and is now on this list, in the company of amazing people. My partner who is FTM is freaking out

Why is Ira Gray, rapist and gaslighter, on the 2014 list? This is appalling. He is a master manipulator and con man. I wrote a journal article on how scary he (and Tumblr) can be. Does anyone else know who I'm talking about?

What the hell? My dad had 6 sisters. Is that supposed to be implausible?


That is a valid hypothesis!

(Paws air frantically, squeaks)

Ah, yes! Was the cousin played by Ludacris?

I really like this campaign. However, it will take a hell of a lot of work for me to respect Ice-T. His voice an inflection is THE SAME in every sentence he says! And, on a different note, why do they only get out his son for the gay episodes? It's like, "Ken, this case is mad gay. You help me, even though we never

Maybe. Then again, if it matches the context, it might not flag that distress. I think the irrational fear comes in when we can't compute why things don't match.

Is it the voice or the accent? I think it's the mystery accent that drives me nuts. It sounds like a pastiche of a bunch of different American accents, but I just can't place it!

This came up during the great vocal fry talks a few months ago. I think people have a bad reaction to that because it sounds like it kind of hurts.

I can't find it now, but I had read a good article breaking down why people find certain voices annoying. When a voice sounds too young and doesn't match the speaker it's called puberphonia, and it can cause mild distress in the listener. I think that's why I found Michael Jackson's speaking voice creepy as hell when

It's my final year. I generally really like the Colbert Show and the Daily Show. I also think this was a massive misstep on his part, and it needs to be discussed. I also find that the response this one hastag got terrifying. Just because a joke offended people doesn't mean that they don't know how jokes work. Christ.