
Any Jezzies know about occult/fortune telling that is not as well known as palmistry, tarot, and tea leaves?

I think its fine to call him uncle. I'm Texan and basically any adult family friend was and is uncle ____ or aunt ____.

I'm pretty sure the entire soundtrack was made possible by cocaine. Especially 'Chilly Down' wtf David Bowie?

I'm nulliparous but I have similar symptoms when my period starts. My legs cramp, my lower back aches, and I get the nausea/occasionaly runs I'd chalk it up to hormones but definitely talk to you OB/GYN about it too. My mom used to get horrible cramps and said they went away after she had my older sister, so it seems

I don't know where in Texas you're currently living, but you can find good connections to get good stuff grown stateside. My ex had an awesome hookup that only had legally grown medical strains from California and Colorado. It takes a little bit of digging but it is possible!

And you can still get nicely legally grown stuff in other states! I live in Texas and enjoy medical from California and Colorado. There are also tons of illegal operations but you can find ones run by old hippies, not horrible cartels.

Ugh can't we just have normal, real weed? It's pretty much the only drug you can actually make an effort to ethically source.

Nothing like driving in traffic to bring out misanthropy!

Ugh that is so annoying! The worst I think is 'riding the exits' at rush hour, when people zoom by in the exit lane, go through the light/stop sign on the access road and then pop back on, forcing everyone in the right lane to stop and let them over. YOU ARE CAUSING TRAFFIC ASSHOLES.

All of my most infuriating driving incidents have happened where another driver runs a red light, a stop sign, or fails to recognize a yield sign when I had the right of way. In all of these situations I will honk (because holy shit you're going to hit me with your car because a red sign saying 'yield' means nothing

As an Austin native, I can definitely sympathize with people who live near Coachella.

I lol'd at 'medical grade bras' so hard at work earlier today.


Is the sizing European? Not seeing a DD made me sad but then I remembered that Euro sizing has E for DD.

*lalalalalala I can't hear you* I want to belieeeeeeve

Bleh. nevermind

I'm fully prepared to sound like a huge fucking arthouse and experimental film snob if anyone wants to discuss my hatred of Drive further.

Hahaha, yes. I was so disappointed in that movie.

God, I fucking hated Drive. It had its visually appealing moments but I found it completely flat and soulless. Cue the responses telling me I just don't 'get it' because I probably have pedestrian taste in movies.

He's really great! It's sometimes hard to remember that they are actually out there!