
Yea, let's just keep waiting to have a real discussion so that this can keep happening.

Is it really an evolutionary defect when human beings have been cultivating grains for only a few thousand years, which is a blip in terms of evolution/genetic mutation? It also depends on your ancestry: people with Celtic and/or British ancestry are far more likely to have gluten intolerance and other auto-immune


Sorry to crush your dreams :(

House Hunters and Cash Cab broke my fucking heart.

It isn't necessarily grammer but I HATE IT when people say "yes" when asked "do you mind ____?" That means that you do mind, not that you are agreeing to the terms. Ugh.

Yup. I'm an introvert and an hsp. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about introversion, even among introverts. Being around people makes me tired, I'm terrible at small talk (but I have manners) and I need alone time to process and recharge. That's pretty much it.

Oh well since you've explained it then racism is over! I'm interested that you think this stereotype is in the past when every year a sorority throws a racist/ill advised 'ghetto' party and white girls shove pillows down their sweatpants to look like black women.

See also: 'Women are all crazy bitches who constantly make false rape accusations for fun. Rape culture is such a crock!' Threatens uppity feminists online with rape to put them in their place.

I was just thinking last night how internally confusing it must be to be a straight misogynist. You insult feminists/women by talking about vaginas and how they're gross/dirty/smelly but you also wonder why you're single and those uptight bitches won't fuck you.

I agree with you that doing anything to someone passed out is fucked up. I never understood how drawing on unconscious people was funny. It's creepy and violating, regardless of what it is. Everyone has a right to personal space and bodily integrity

I've always found it beyond curious that whenever sexual assault/ rape happens, people wring their hands about 'youthful indiscretion', or 'what will happen to those poor boys?' like in the Cleveland gang rape case.

Whenever I have an appointment with a professional (be it a therapist, doctor etc) I bring in notecards of topics I want to cover and questions I want to ask. I'm horrifically absentminded and I get nervous and forget important info. I just do bullet points to jog my memory. It's also nice to have something to hold in

Ugh, my highschool had ridiculous dress code rules that even specified the width of straps and had a handy addendum 'or any other article that a teacher/administrator believes disrupts the learning environment' yay subjective carte blanche!

Yikes! I have low blood pressure that is genetic and while I get dizzy when I stand up quickly, I thank my lucky fucking stars it's not the opposite.

My sister's best friend is a nurse and has had similar experiences. The one that comes to mind is when a man with diabetes asked her to get him a coke. She worked in a county hospital doing icu rotations and took care of people who'd been blown up in meth labs and stuff. I don't know how she did it.

Not always true. My mom is 65 and taller than me and I still weigh about 20lbs more than her and I'm an average weight. She was model thin even in her 40's after having 2 kids and never dieted in her life.

My face is all itchy and crawly just looking at that.