Ah, maybe that's the video Intended for this article. I'd love to see some of the more active game mechanics demonstrated, like the "Break Free" and "Finishing Moves" parts in the video above.
Ah, maybe that's the video Intended for this article. I'd love to see some of the more active game mechanics demonstrated, like the "Break Free" and "Finishing Moves" parts in the video above.
You do realize that this entire video is CG, right? Those hands, the controller, the interaction between the controller and the screen, it's all a fabrication. Until I see actual hands on a real controller playing the game, I'm not going to consider this video anything other than an elaborate design document.
If you're carving and counterweighting by extending your arms, ur doin it rong.
Funny, I've always found the design in this series of games to be hilariously awful. From the bizarre species of no-neck humans that we will apparently be evolving into to the gigantic size 67 boots everyone wears, everything looks like it was designed by a team of military fanboys who are trying too hard to be…
@ibro911: It's "Invaders Must Die" by The Prodigy.
@Tanneseph: Yes. It's called "having a life outside of WoW".
@Wwhat: The MIT version used numerous individual cameras. The Stanford approach uses a single sensor and compound lens, as does the Adobe implementation.
This isn't something Adobe invented, but implemented. The initial research was done in 2005 at Stanford:
So, what is there to recommend this camera over the S95? Optical viewfinder? Bulkier body? What am I missing?
Every time I see a demo like this it reminds me how terrible a console controller is for FPS games. The sniper shot at 1:20 is a perfect example of this. Until consoles allow me to play with a mouse and keyboard, I'll stick to the PC for my FPS fix.
Zbigniew Rybczynski did this back in 1988 with his short film titled funnily enough, "The Fourth Dimension".
Fantastic imagery. It reminds me of the work of Zbigniew Rybczynski, but in reverse.
@Ryodestined: They've certainly surpassed Pixar in the Main-Character-Shooting-Guns-and-Blowing-Shit-Up department.
@Polite Society: Oh god, you're killing me. Superficial? Narrow minded? You realize this is a *Bayonetta* figure, right?
The image at the head of this article neatly encapsulates everything that I see is wrong with design in games in the 21st century.
Wow, 25,000 players have joined the boycott. That's less than 1% of the installed user base.
@AntonF**kingEgo: It's only speculation so far. It hasn't happened 'til it's happened, as they say.
Hmm, where have I seen this picture before?