
I remember replacing a starter on my 88 VW. The parts dealer sets on the counter a rebuilt unit in a Lucas box. I nearly panicked ;)

Ferrari: Hold my Chianti.

Land Rover: “Beat that, Ferrari”

You are 100% accurate. I’ll add a S-load of factories to Leland. Every single one in the eastern bloc countries all the former stans of Soviet Union. Everything they did and made was ridiculously inefficient. It didn’t matter because nobody was paid. No profits were made. They could throw as many people as it took to

Nice history lesson.

Damn, son. Proofread that mess.

They hate these rental bikes because people leave them at a destination and they pile up before the bike company can retrieve them. When people use their own bikes they have to take them back home at some point.

That’s why I wrote they can work on rural roads. If there’s a way to make something useless people putting in bicycle lanes usually can find it. I used bike lanes in a few places and they can be poorly executed. The question is would good execution make them work, and yes when bike lanes are properly done and

Indeed, the roads are for general traffic. The reserved spaces, the protected bike lanes, and so on add complexity and danger, especially those who go more than 8mph. Putting bicyclists off to the side puts them out of sight and out of mind. It makes everything more complex. It makes left turns for the bicyclist a

Couldn’t have said that better. Dallas is also all in an uproar over the this year’s influx of rent bikes. The wife and I love ‘em for riding downtown for the evening or such without worrying about our own $bikes$.

These shitheads are why people in California hate bicycle riders, they ruin it for all the other bicycle riders that aren’t douche-bags of the highest order.

Except nobody is making a false report. To convict someone you’d have to actually prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they know their report is either factually false or not a reportable offense. Good luck with that.


Falsified use of the 911 system is illegal as hell pretty much everywhere. From DC’s municipal code website:

I bought a new Mazda 6 in 2015...

I love the RX-7, but white is not it’s best color; it flattens the car’s gorgeous curves and surfaces. It’s best appreciated in red, competition yellow, or, as I posted in another article, innocent blue.