
Thanks for the response. I am just dealing with a zero year birthday and realized that I have been riding for 11 years, and in 11 more, I am going to be heading into old age. I am probably a little liked your dad. Although I have rebuilt cars and bicycles, the idea of rebuilding or in any way modding a motorbike seems

Yeah, I don’t know. I’m 50 now, and I feel that I could have had more time riding, not that I am hanging it up, but I do feel like there will come an end to this and it will be too soon. 

Hey. How old was your Dad when he got his motorcycle endorsement? Does he still ride, and how does he feel about it? I got my license at 39 and felt like I left it a little late. I am still riding 11 years later, and really love it, but I wonder how other older people feel about riding.

Having been 50 for almost a year now, you are not going to die. You will get sick and you will get better. I just got done reading Peggy Noonan’s description of her bout of illness. She read books for about three weeks, and she is fine now. She is way older than us so get on those wrenching projects! My cars being

Nicely done! 

Two things. First, I’m done. Did it all in the first two days of lock down. Second, I am out of parts that I can possibly install because all the freaking stores are closed.

The Cressida does. 

I met Fitch a few years before he died. He was incredibly nice, polite and self effacing man. He used to say this thing that I really like. “You can strafe a train once, you can strafe a train twice, but by the third time you have to figure they’ve got your range.” That was how he ended up in a prisoner of war camp,

I’m in PA too, and most Winters one can get by on all weathers, but those years it is really cold with sheet ice and snow? I run Winter tires in Winter, which also lets me run Summer tires in Summer. The thing with PA is that it gets really cold sometimes, and it gets really hot sometimes, neither of which is great

I loved riding in Hindustans. Nice and roomy inside with wiring from my 1967 Alfa Romeo, except worse. New equipment would have been safety belts. 

Please, the wiring could never support a wiper motor.

First Gear: FCA forced out the wrong guy, which by the way is illegal to do to whistleblowers, but I am betting he will make a fortune off the whistelblower suit. That aside the guy they should get rid of is Manley. The Agnellis made a massive error in replacing Marccionne with him. His decision to take their

OK so I do not really remember the Autonomy project simply because pie in the sky design studies are a dime a dozen when physics doesn’t matter, and therefor I have a couple of questions about that 2002 pancake battery. What was inside it air? It isn’t like lithium ion batteries existed to go into that application 20

I am not a VW guy at all, but I could spot a Super Beetle from a Beetle in under a second. They are completely different cars. 

In my area there are lots of Guilias and Stelvios. As a long time AROC member, I always ask how they like it, and I have yet to meet anyone personally who has had a problem. They seem to like them, but yes, the statistics are out there so someone is having the problems. 

First Gear: That article is about as well researched as the line, Harley was caught flat-footed by competition from more affordable, lightweight bikes as heavy motorcycles like the one Marlon Brando rode in the movie “The Wild One” went out of style’.

Sometimes I look at a Used Car photo and no matter how the car is listed, the car just looks saggy all over like it wants to die. This car looks like that CP

All the things agree. 

I told a friend once that the French invented the modern automobile and he broke out laughing then asked what happened. I pointed out that they were all killed in WW I. Not so funny really.

That is insulting to a pop can.