
Different … different is not good when it comes to Cadillac, and what I mean by that is that Cadillac is on its fifth different in five years. The subscription service was idiotic, but they keep changing strategy. It was going to be the premium electric division with autonomy, then it was going all SUV, now the sedans

Chicago, but in my defense it was 5AM. 

Drove from Wyoming to Philadelphia once single handed non-stop pausing only for gas on Coca Cola and cigars. Soo, Coca Cola and cigars.

That would be selling it. It’s a Dodge. All he’s thinking is, “Do I have bus fare?” 

It’s nice when it works right. My Cadillac is great; Mercedes not so much. 

Umm, not always. Watched a stolen car bust in Philadelphia once. Guy was trapped in traffic, but he had his kid in a car seat and his girlfriend in the car. They were going to the movies. The police just asked him if he knew it was stolen, he said yes. They said that he would need to step out, which he did. One of the

I rented a car in England for a month back in the 90's. I toured it everywhere. Great little car by the way, a ford escort with manual choke, manual transmission, and a weber carb. Anyway, I on the Isle of Skye when I realized that it was supposed to be at Euston station in London so I tried to call them. All the

Were there 88 of them? 

Love Volvo. [Besides a 245DL being the first car I was given to drive] My mechanic used to source Alternators for my car from Volvo dealer, $300 or $30. They even came in the same box from Bosch. 

I have a ‘67 Alfa as well. A few parts were also used on Ferraris. Sometimes I see what they want the Ferrari guys to pay, and when I wake from fainting I just cry. With my Mercedes, some parts are shared with the vaunted 6.3, a great car, but anywhere there was overlap, Mercedes changed the part number from 108 to

I have a 1972 Mercedes, and it is lovely, but I follow the service recommendations, and I now know all the stuff that they manuals don’t tell you like the rubber throats from the throttle body to the intake, or the secret fuel hose section in the middle of the gas rail. I also spend about 6 months a year looking for

The Alpina was the best of the Z8 cars, which is saying very little good. The Z8 was a highly dubious car. It was slow at the price point, and it was undersuspended for the price point. The Alpina used its best points, slapped an automatic in it, and made something that worked well. Clarkson never liked cars. Watch

Don’t just throw Boeing under a bus. Airbus had several airplanes conk out in mid-flight off the coast of Australia, and that turned out to be corrupted code that shut down the entire aircraft. Stuff happens to all planes in flight. The 737 Max thing is not worse than other stories, better than some, although I am of

One of my favorite experiences in the Alfa, which is of course a bargain basement high volume Italian sports car. I got to an intersection at the same time as another car so we had to figure out who was going to go first. The other car was about a ‘67 Ferrari, not sure what model. He waved me through, and I was like

That’s why his personality was worth $4,999,999 dollars. He told it the way he saw it an never saw himself as wrong. Try being the Boeing engineer who wanted him to believe that pilot error crashed his 767. He forced them to eat their words. It’s what he did. Great story by the way. 

I totally agree, but there are many who don’t and they keep feeling free to tell me this. I have a 2011 CTS V Wagon with 90,000 miles on it. It runs perfectly, and I am religious about maintenance and repairs, but from the dealer mechanics to people in the street it is always to drive it less. I have bought a new

That depends on the price of parking garages where you live. Where I live, installing scissor doors would be cheaper in the long run. 

In the 30 years that I have been riding bikes, on a couple of continents, in more large cities than I can remember, as both a commuter bike and for fun, I find most of what cyclists today to complain about to be idiotic whining. However opening a door without seriously considering what is coming from behind is the one

Sadly, all of those look to be in better condition than the one he drove to Moab. 

Where are the drive wheels, front or the rear mono tire? How was the center of gravity? Any sense of it rolling on turns or dragging the rear end around?