
This is the first I'm hearing of this game, and the creator, so I didn't know she was Transgender. Which is I think the point of her switch, that people not know, so I'm not sure if you pointing it out to people finding out about her work for the first time is actually insulting...but it does add an extra layer that

I think he's commenting that you're tone (very hard online) seems to indicate that we're the enemy

As a straight white man, let me first say thank you for exposing me to this. I just bought it because this is fascinating. Add that this is something I'd love to share with my girlfriend (she's just getting into gaming) to show that games can tackle huge topics in interesting and adult ways.

Oh I agree, but the other's side crazies are just trying to take my money. This team is trying to govern straight up biology, which in my head is a bigger concern. But everyone has their priorities

I would consider not having my genitals talked about constantly by every politician and news pundit a solid privilege. Although it would be hilarious to hear Tom Brokaw say "dicks" on air

Seeing as how we're a hell of a lot more violent, aggressive, and in general bigger than the ladies, yeah it's pretty ridiculous.

Todd Akin. And he's a primary example of the crazies that get voted into power by large masses of undereducated or super conservative groups who don't post online or influence the media (beyond Fox). So, while the reaction was huge, there are a large group of people who agree with him that we should be very afraid of.

I'm pretty sure there was a Sliders episode with this concept.

I LOVED that game for some reason...Damnit, now I have to put it on my list of old games to play through, right after Jagged Alliance 2

This is really shitty, and I hope gets shut down soon (violating Facebook TOS much) but I have to ask, isn't this really similar to People of Walmart? The same website many find very humorous and use to make themselves superior?

You would definitely need the L.A. Noire tech for the dialogue scenes. Why waste Alan Tudyk on voice acting alone?

Don't give this to the Epic guys, hand this over to Rockstar. Let them use everything they put together for Red Dead Redemption and have at it. I mean, think about it. Take the best iteration of a Western in video games, add the Alliance, reavers, browncoats, space, Mal, and give Joss creative control? The

I don't get how we are able to make the mental leap that programs are alive, sentient, and look like people, but rain in a machine is a concept that is just too much