They really are the best. I <3 mine.
They really are the best. I <3 mine.
10" wide wheels FTW! KDM Yo!!
They’re probably fine as is. I forget the Soul excite comes on 18" wheels.
I wonder how much more performance one could see from a 2" drop and wider wheels+tires...
I’ll admit that when I was 16, a friend and I initiated a project to put two home made pvc cai’s on a gmc sonoma. When I decided it was time to remove them, I used a sawzall to cut the pvc, and went right through the radiator return hose. :/
An on-ramp once. Just once. I drive Toyota, it does not really break down.
I have a tri tone Semi truck horn to ‘honk past’ those people. Much more effective than the benign ‘meep meep’ sound the stock horn on my eco-box makes.
I have fond memories of Crimson Skies, Conker: live & reloaded being played via LAN. I’m pretty pumped backwards compatibility will soon reach farther back, and scooped up a copy of RallySport Challenge II in anticipation.
New maps and titan in Titanfall 2!!!!
Audio. I would like to hear it.
I remember how my vt500c sounded with the stock exhaust, I’d be curious to hear the difference 35 years have made.
Ever notice that drivers not keeping up with the pace of traffic, and not isolated to the right lane are typically on the phone?
Look for it the next time you pass someone going a little too slow.
I mean, we lost that match because we needed a tank, not your fucking arrows...
If only we could incorporate a system to auto-detect oncoming traffic, and disable High-beams as well. This DRL argument is defeated by rear reflectors in tail lights, and the real menace with heads in asses are the folks who can’t tell they are flooding the roadway with their high-beams.
I’m excited for it to hit the $20 price, or be free with gold.
I came here just to be sure this got posted.
The real crime here is that exposed wire.
Add a little finish to your work, and conceal the wires you scrub...
The lesson learned here is to inform the internet AFTER you’ve turned in the car. Jalopnik bumps backwards too.
1:20, someone walking. There’s like 6 people moving.