
i’m from rochester, ny, the city where susan b anthony lived, worked, and is buried. every election day (specifically presidential) her headstone in mt hope cemetary is covered in ‘i voted’ stickers. i don’t live there anymore and today, in particular, i’m really bummed about that. they’re actually leaving the

I am 64- This is my current Facebook status: I was the third person in my district to vote this morning. My hand shook and my heart pounded when I filled in the oval for the Clinton Kaine electors. My vote is for me, and it’s for my country. But even more than that, my vote is for my four granddaughters, and for my

Your grandmother is truly awesome.

My Grandma vividly remembers watching Klansman openly running for, and winning, local elections. The fact that she got to live to see Obama win is incredible.

Thank you!! As a baby boomer it does my heart good to read this. I’ve been alternating between crying and having anxiety attacks since Sunday. I voted for Hillary this morning around 8:40 am EST or whatever the fuck Indiana is on now. I went out to my car and cried a little more. I’m sure I’ll be crying more

We can be very good at celebrating “firsts.” But we need to work for “seconds,” “tenths,” and “one-hundredths.” 

That’s so weird that Bill Belichick writes exactly how Donald Trump talks.

Also: “Go win a good SuperBowl..er whatever you wanna do...”

The weird, trumpy adverbs makes me think Samantha Bee was right and he can’t read. “Your big leaguey leadership is so good, it’s like the best. America will be winning all of the time.”

Man, that Belichick letter doesn’t at all read like something Trump would write himself! Not at all!

Tomorrow, they’ll be on to Paul Ryan.

Ha! No way is that letter from Belichick.

Maybe not a shitty person but one who has awfully detailed first thoughts.

Kellyanne needs to learn that this is the way it’s done. 

I understand that interviewers have to give her her say but she really needs to be leveled. Her soul is as black as the pot and the kettle. And a woman who refers to another woman as “that woman” is missing something basic in the way of introspection.

I really hope this causes Trump to make a strong play for control...of his Twitter.

Comey couldn’t wait EIGHT DAYS to complete an ongoing investigation, as per protocol, to mention the fucking emails?! You know, show some restraint, like he has about ongoing investigations into Trump dealings?! What a bag of cocks. He better be drafting a resignation letter now, he’s out of a job Jan. 21.

There’s nothing to indicate that these were Clinton’s emails.

‘And when you’re a star, they let you do it.’ That phrase implies consent.